Tuesday, June 25, 2013

From the classes - Front Facing - フロントフェイシング=アレンジメントを作って

This is Yuri's arrangement. Look at the variety of foliage in this design! They created beautiful movement in the design - it is like a Sun blasting out bright light. Such an eye-catching arrangement.

This is also Yuri's design. It has very interesting combination of materials and unique STYLE with mixing them, which really attracts anyone's attention to this design. What do you think?

Kishiko has created this design. Ginger has such an intriguing facial expression, and Kishiko has captured them really well here. Can you feel the strength each material holds within? And, can you see the power of growing up from this design?

This is Miho's arrangement. After a long hot Summer day, you would be so happy to see this design waiting for you at home... as if giving a fresh cool shower to your exhausted soul. Miho has shown another side of those Helianthus (Sunflowers) - gentle and light.

Kishiko has created this airy design. It demands attention to be seen in a gentle manner with its beautiful colour contrast. Isn't it a perfect arrangement for the season - it almost makes you feel a nice breexe from afar field.  

This is Yumi's arrangement. We all know about Growth Point when you make arrangements. You can almost pin-point it in this design. Each material has spread its line beautifully here, yet, the whole design looks so visually stable.

Yumi also created this design. The material being used here are generally very gentle and fine sorts. Can you feel a gentle breeze coming from it?

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