Friday, April 05, 2013

The Classes starts on 25th APRIL - 春のクラス4月25日より再開です

イースターが来たと思ったら、また季節外れの雪が舞ったり、なかなか太陽が顔を見せてくれなかったりするこの4月。新しい季節の始まりを感じさせてくれるはずのこの週末ですが、なかなか街に中では、春の花々には出会えませんね。球根達もせっかく顔を見せかけていたところで、先日の雪。痛々しかったです。Easter has come and gone, then we had some snow - still no sign of the SUN beaming at us, yet... It is APRIL now. We are suppose to see some signs of new season by now, but it still is hard to find any of it. That snow the other day sitting on to some newly bloomed spring bulbs - painful.

Those early cherry blossoms in London - with silver background of icy clouds, they look frozen.

There is a different story under the roof of New Covent Garden Market, our London Flower Market. It is filled with gorgeous Spring flowers with delicious scents, which will bring New Season to your home. Maybe even just one bloom will make your room home. 



This forthcoming Spring term is starting on 25th April with following designs for Advance classes. The location, the time are the same as it has been.

Design origin seems to be from Victorian Era... It used to be an arrangement of mixed pot plants, however, in the class, we use some fresh cut flowers within your design. It would be a great design option for gifts and offices.
This is Yuri's design/こちらは百合さんのデザインです

2)ライン&リミティッド=アレンジ/Line and Limited Arrangeent Design
As its name suggests, we would not use that many number of material for these designs. Instead, each material will be showing off its individual beauty – shape, line, form and its face – by arranged in well controlled angle and manipulation; yes, arranged by YOU. Use of negative space and asymmetrical balance – this design does share some design principles with Japanese IKEBANA, I think.
This is Michiko's design/路子さんによる作品です
3)ライン&リミティッド=ハンドタイド/ Line and Limited Hand-Tied
This design is another way of presenting a design, but with the very same design principles as the previous design. Let each flower and leaf spread their stems out and stand tall. Yes, let them speak.
This is Kanako's Hand-Tied/佳奈子さんによる花束デザインです

4)フレームを使った花瓶のアレンジと花束/Frame Vase Arrangement & Hand-Tied
A design can be so dramatic with a few flowers in with a good use of FRAME. The 1st week, we make a vase arrangement with a frame, and 2nd week, if you could join us, this frame will be transformed in to a Hand-Tied arrangement. Frame? Yes, it will be made by YOU.
Michiko's Vase arrangement/路子さんによる花瓶アレンジです
This is a Hand-Tied design by Kuniko/邦子さんによって束ねられた花束です

5)ブーケホルダーを使ったラウンドブーケ/Round BQ in a Holder
Let's start with a Round shape BQ on a BQ holder. If you could join the class on the 2nd week, you could create a Shower style, too.
This is Megumi's design/恵さんによるデザインです
The forth coming SPRING term is packed with various designs - you can feel soil when you make Pot-et-Fleur, and enjoy crafting skill when you make a frame, then wedding work... It will be a great opportunity to exercise your design skill and broaden your design range.

On Basic Class, the agenda is Round, Front Facing, Hand-Tied, Vase arrangement and Crescent design. Let's create some beautiful designs with your own flowers.

If you are interested in Flowers/creating your own Flower Arrangements, please come along to the class to see what is going on. It really does not matter if you have any experience or not at all!

花やアレンジにご興味をお持ちの方で、ちょっとクラスをのぞいてみたいという時には、ご遠慮なくご連絡下さい。一度見学においでいただき、そして、実際にお花に触れてみてください。花に触れる機会が今まで無かった方 も,もちろん大歓迎です。(こちらにご紹介させていただいた作品は、すべてクラスにおいで頂いている方によるデザインです。)

Looking forward to seeing you in the class!