Thursday, April 26, 2012

Front Facing Hand-Tied - 三方見の花束をかっこ良く束ねて


When you order a Hand-Tied bouquet in a flower shop, they will create a lovely bunch of flowers in a posy style in most cases. There is nothing wrong in this style, however, it is hard to show the beauty of lines and movement in this style... Hence, we are making Front Facing Hand-Tied here in Advanced Class.

The top right photo is from Kuniko's first creation. You can see the beauty of movement and line in this bouquet. Once, I have read a book explaining that flowers in a room make the room feels 3 degree warmer, and your heart feels 3 degree warmer, too. The picture is just like the room I read before.

The next one is also from Kuniko, but this is her second creation. She enhances the movement in this bouquet by adding some autumnal Rose hips. Beautiful.

こちらの作品は裕季子さんによるもの。クルクマとグラジオラスをあしらい、とても軽やかに(実際にはとても重いのですが、、、)立体感をつけて仕上げられていますね。This photo is from Yukiko. Curcuma and Gladiolus are so graphical and controlled well, yet the bouquet looks so light, even though it is really heavy! The bouquet's colour scheme delivers summer breeze to you.

This Hand-tied is made by Sanae. You can see how patiently and carefully she assembled all those many stems into a bouquet: there is no single criss-cross. The result is the beautiful spiral mechanics, with a dramatic composition!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spiral Arrangements - ”渦巻く”スパイラルアレンジメントを作って


This design was created by Hiromi. Its delicate and fragile look is so pleasing, yet, there is certain bold statement, which keeps visual interest. Dark colour Zantedeschias have added striking impact to this arrangement.


This is Kanako’s creation. Those yellow Gerberas are shining through the Willow cage, and Vibernums are blooming like floating bubbles. It is not just a ‘pretty’ design, but it shows you the strength flowers have artistically.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Table Arrangement - 華やかにテーブルアレンジを作って



This table arrangement is created by Natascha. It is finely outlined, with beautiful recession in it. Natascha has combined different sizes and texture of beautiful Summer flowers, hence it has pleasing quality to your eyes. A visual feast with Summer scent!


This is Kanako’ s table piece. Although Kanako has employed line and grouping method here, the final design did not become old-fashioned. What an elegant table design!


This is Keiko’s table arrangement. There were Tulips, Freesias and Hyacinthus in this design; a deliciously scented table piece! As you would think, Keiko used fewer Hyacinthus to make its scent less overpowering.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Did you see anything? - なんじゃろ?


There is a field near where I live - I sometime walk thorough to go to work. Yesterday, there was this strange pattern on the grass....What is it?

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

春のタームは4月19日から!−The Spring term start from 19th April!


Warm sunny days have been staying in London for a few days now. Of course, that is making some changes on the ground and branches - new shoots and buds and flowers! Cherry blossoms and Magnolias are blooming and shining : even though Cherry Blossoms in Japan is a well known sight, yet, you might be disappointed if you only stay inside urban area in Japan - you might as well enjoy more blossoms here in London. Those stunning visions of Cherry Blossoms in Japan are taking place outside residential area...
Anyway, at LivingSeasons, the weekly classes is starting from 19th April. Time and premises are the same as always.
In Advance class, we are introducing a new agenda...

1)L型アレンジ(左右非対称)ー エレガントかつダイナミックなスタイルです。
1) L-Shape Design (Asymmetrical) - We are learning this elegant, yet dynamic style.

こちらは恵さんの作品です。This is Megumi's design.

2)ファン(扇)型アレンジ − 少ない本数でも、最大限のインパクトが得られま
2) Fan-shape Arrangement - very airy and light, yet, look at its visual impact!

こちらの作品は、彩子さんによるものです。This is Saiko's design.

3)クロス=オーバーラッピング ー 花材がわざと交差してアレンジされる、緊張感のあるデザインです。
3) Cross Over-Lapping Design - This design has good tension provided by movement and space.

恵子さんによる作品です。This is Keiko's design.

4)モダン=コサージュ ー もう少し手軽にコサージュを楽しみたい方にお勧めです!
4) Modern Corsage - Do you think making a corsage is rather tedious? Maybe you can try this!

恵子さんによるペンダントです。This is Keiko's design.

5)モダン=テーブルアレンジメント ー このタームより加わった新しい課題です。
5) Modern Table Arrangement - This is a new agenda from this term. Let's escape from traditional rules, and be adventurous!

As you can see here, those designs tend to have more visual impact, yet using not that many material. Let's see what each material can do in the design, and extend that potential to the maximum!

On Basic Class, the menu is Round, Front Facing, Hand-Tied, Vase arrangement and Crescent design. Let's create some beautiful designs with your own flowers.




Now, you can buy some foliage at Hampstead class for £3. This is entirely an optional. I really would like to provide foliage with Bloomsbury class, too, however, at the moment, it is not possible due to its storage restriction. If you are interested in joining the class, but not sure what you do in the class, why don't you come and see the class one of those warm days? We are not going to bite you, so don't worry! Come along, and say hello to us.
It still is chilly in the morning and evening, but there are many signs of new season arriving. Maybe you would like to feel it by having some fresh flowers in your room?
So, shall I see you in the class?

Monday, April 02, 2012

Crescent Arrangement - クレッセントアレンジを作って



This is Yumi’s arrangement. It had lovely curve and flow in this design. Each main material was arranged in different direction accordingly, so the finished design maintained its visual depth.


This crescent arrangement was created by Yuri. A lovely selection of material here; colour combination, sizes, shape and texture. Its focal area was also a winning point!