Monday, January 11, 2010

Shower Hand-Tied - シャワースタイルの花束

シャワースタイルの花束作りは、作業が大変なことに加えて、重い!でも出来上がりは、やっぱりエレガントで素敵ですよね。It is not easy to create Shower style Arrangement, so you can imagine how difficult to create the same style in Hand-Tied. Yes, it is hard, but, as you can see, they are worthwhile: elegant and beautiful!

由未さんが束ねられた花束がこちらです。ウェディングにいかがでしょうか?流れの美しいこの花束は、いつもお世話になっている方へプレゼントされるとのことでした。Yumi designed this Hand-Tied, which would look so good on a wedding. This gorgeous design was a gift to her long-time mentor, and I am sure this design has brought lots of smile to someone.

朋子さんの作品は、冬から春への生命の息吹を感じさせる和の美。和装で臨まれる結婚式に、ぴったりではないでしょうか?Tomoko has created this Hand-Tied. It captures the moment of transition: Winter to Spring, new life and its strength. How about having a Wedding Bouquet like this if you are wearing Kimono at your ceremony?

邦子さんんが束ねられた花束も、春の生命力であふれています。すっきりとまとめあげられたフォルムが素敵です。This is Kuniko's work. It is full of bursting energy of fresh Spring! Lovely neat profile, too.

恵子さんの作品がこちらです。この柔らかく溶けてしまいそうな色の組み合わせでのシャワースタイル。まさにウェディングに最適ですね。Keiko's design has a wonderfully soft colour combination. With this Shower style, this design would look great on a wedding day.

容子さんの作品です。花材の向き/位置をしっかりと見極めながら、大変丁寧に束ねられた作品です。流れ出るような動きが伝わってきますね。Yoko has designed this Hand-Tied. Each material was carefully chosen according to it shape and position here. You can almost hear its flow and movement in this design.

Shower Arrangement - シャワースタイルのアレンジ

シャワースタイルのアレンジは、華やかさが数段増します。葉材の持つラインを見ながら、微妙な空気感を取り入れていくところがポイント。クラスでがんばったその努力の成果が、こちらの写真にしっかり出ていますよね。Shower style arrangements have such a grace and elegance! I think the key to create this style is to look at the line of each material and taking NEGATIVE SPACE on board. Everyone worked ever so hard, and you can see the result of it here.

まずは彩子さんの作品から。葉ものの流れをしっかり活かし、大きな作品を仕上げられました。Saiko has created rather large design, with strong emphasis on beautiful foliage lines.

こちらは路子さんの作品。しっとりと落ち着いた色合いと、かっちりとした作りが、大人っぽく目に映ります。This is Michiko's work. Its colour scheme has so much nuance, yet the shape is so neat. The end result is a classic beauty.

美絵さんの作品では、濃い色のカラーが絶妙の位置に配され、アレンジの流れを印象づけます。Mie has used those bordeaux colour Zantedeschia. By placing each flower in right direction and position, the design has its beautiful flow.

恵子さんは、柔らかな流れと配色を大切に、とても春らしい作品を完成されました。Keiko has created this lovely soft design: delicate materials, lines and frosty yet fresh colour. Can you smell the SPRING?

こちらの邦子さんの作品は、春のガーデンパーティーにぴったりの作品ですよね。それにしてもこのボリューム。オアシスの1/3しか使用されていないんですよ。This is Kuniko's design. It is a perfect design for Spring Garden! And, what a volume!Can you believe that Kuniko has created this design, using only 1/3 of whole block of floral form?

Friday, January 08, 2010

A Happy Sparkling New Year!

Wishing you countless hours of JOY, HAPPINESS, SMILES and HEALTH accentuated
with YOUR divine FLOWERS in 2010.









The Weekly Class resumes on 21st January 2010!

This term consists of 5 design.
On Advance Class, the menu is Landscape Design, Parallel Vertical, Continental-style Hand-tied, Parallel Horizontal, and Spiral Design. It is a term which concentrates on the use of line and movement as well as the use of negative space.

On Basic Class, the menu is Round, Front Facing, Hand-Tied, Vase arrangement and Crescent design. Let's create some beautiful designs with your own flowers.

So looking forward to seeing you in the class in 2010!