こちらは路子さんの作品です.作品のテーマは、植物の持つ ラインをシンプルな組み合わせで 美しく表現すること。路子さんの作品を見ていただければ、それがとてもよくわかりますね。洗練された作品です。
This is Michiko’s design. The concept of this arrangement is to show beauty of lines and spaces with limited materials. Michiko has created this very sophisticated arrangement, and you see its concept so clearly.

This design is also created by Michiko. It is quite a different design from the previous one: beauty of stillness and tension. Michiko has analysed character of each material and used it accordingly to maximise its beauty in this design. It is very simple, yet you feel as if you are sitting at a corner of a quiet garden on your own.
This design is created by Toshimi. By gathering different style of flowers in one design, Toshimi has brought strong visual impact to this work. There is, undeniably, a feel of morning dew here - despite using some exotic flowers such as Anthurium...
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