Monday, June 03, 2013

クラス日程変更のお知らせ Class cancellation in June

この時期になると、ぐーっと伸び出してくる花があります。みんCow ParsleyとかQueen Anne's Laceって呼んでいるようですが、学術名はAnthriscus sylvestrisと言うそうです。。。まだまだ覚える事がたくさんあります。



Year after year, around this season, you notice this lovely delicate-looking flowers suddenly emerging from the ground, almost utterly out of blue. We call it Cow Parsley or Queen Anne's Lace, but, apparently, its proper name is Anthriscus sylvestris..... I have to learn more new things..... forever.

 Whenever I see this flowers, which is sadly sometime considered as weed, it made me think of how to interpret this airy soft atmosphere in a design. 

How could I do this......?

Anyway, due to some unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO session on 3rd and 13th June at both Hampstead and Bloomsbury location. My sincere apology for any inconvenience this may cause.

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