Friday, January 25, 2013

遅れていた報告 - A report I should have done earlier...

振込手数料は0円でした There was no handling fee on this transaction.






As a few car-boots sale, there was £180.34 in a tin.

All the money was transferred to Futaba Town in Fukushima Pref.
(With current rate of GBP1.00=JPY142.75)

There was YOU who stood at the stall when London was hit by heat wave, and sometime very cold wind.
There was YOU who had brought in goods to sell.
There was YOU who had donated goods for the stall.
There was YOU who bought items from the stall.
And, there was YOU who quietly left some money to the stall.

I should have reported this much sooner.....

I had to state someone's name in payee box - I wrote LivengSeasons, but it really meant YOU.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

遠足のお誘い - Can I come with you?

Have you seen how rice grow? How about vegetables being cultivated in big scale? Did you know that peanuts grow in the soil? I know, I know, you know...But, I think this is some of the perks you do have if you happen to grow up in country side. Me? Yes!




こんなにきれいに咲いているんです!, so beautiful!

コーヒーブレークって言う品種だそうです。欲しい!A cultivar called Coffee Break - I wanted it!

Its scent reminded me of summer garden. (foolish of me to lose its cultivar name...)

Even though I was grown up right next to a rice field, I did not have any chance to see roses being commercially cultivated. All the flowers we encounter at the market are normally cut in the same size, bundled, and neatly packed. I was always wondering how they were BEFORE they arrive at the market. 

Then, one day, one of my great colleagues, my long-standing friend and someone I always admire, Flower shop Kuri-no-Ki kindly sent me a truly wonderful invitation to a rose farm! (By the way, her blog is a must-read if you love flowers! I will write about her another day...)

So, I went out for a day to meet those roses.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Classes starts on 31st Jan - 冬のクラスは1月31日より再開です。

What enriches your daily life does not have to be millions of millions of flowers - just a single bloom which you really care and love: maybe that is what keeps us feel warm through a year.  


Our weekly classes resumes from 31st January, at the same time and same place. And the agenda for Advance Class would be as follows:

1)ホガース(S字)アレンジ / Hogarth-Shape Arrangement
William Hogarth さんが唱えたLine of Beauty - S字のラインをアレンジの中に取り入れたデザインです。ちょっとロココ調を感じさせる、フォーマルなデザインになります。茎の流れと花の向きをしっかり見つけて創っていきます。 
Line of Beauty by William Hogarth - that is what we try to achieve here: a bit of Rococo style, and quite formal design. Let's find shapes and lines in each flower and foliage.
こちらは由未さんのデザインんです。This is Yumi's design.

2)ボウ(弓)型アレンジ/Bow-shape Design
This arrangement has a radiant shape from its growth point. We will have to get used to how to bend each material to create this elegant line.

こちらは葉子さんの作品です。This is Yoko's design.
3)シャワー=ハンドタイド/Shower style Hand-Tied
You would be able to apply the same design principle to a wedding BQ - the only difference here is that this is assembled in Hand-Tied.Let's make it soft and airy.
こちらは容子さんの作品です。This is Yoko's design.
4)シャワー型アレンジ/Shower-style Arrangement
This one is on a floral foam, not a hand-Tied. There are some shared design elements with Bow-shape arrangement. We will see how Negative Space being used in this design.
こちらは彩子さんの作品です。This is Saiko's design.

5)基本のテーブルセンター=アレンジ/Table Center Piece in Traditional style
This is a perfect design for formal dinner settings.You will be amazed how this arrangement transform your dinner table into something even more elegant.
こちらはナターシャさんの作品です。Natascha created this design.
The agenda was formed around traditional and rather formal style. It will be very useful sessions as we really have to OBSERVE each material. 

いっぽう、これまでクラスに足を向けていただくチャンスを逃していらした方には、基礎の基礎から一緒に始めて行きましょう。丸い形のラウンドアレンジ、三角形 の三方見のアレンジ、基本の花束の作り方、花瓶を使ったアレンジの作り方、そして基礎コースのまとめとなる三日月型のアレンジと進んでいきます。

花やアレンジにご興味をお持ちの方で、ちょっとクラスをのぞいてみたいという時には、ご遠慮なくご連絡下さい。一度見学においでいただき、そして、実際にお花に触れてみてください。花に触れる機会が今まで無かった方 も,もちろん大歓迎です。(こちらにご紹介させていただいた作品は、すべてクラスにおいで頂いている方によるデザインです。)


On Basic Class, the agenda is Round, Front Facing, Hand-Tied, Vase arrangement and Crescent design. Let's create some beautiful designs with your own flowers.
If you are interested in Flowers/creating your own Flower Arrangements, please come along to the class to see what is going on.It really does not matter if you have any experience or not at all!

Looking forward to seeing you in the class!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

ちょっと独り言 - A little thing is really little?





(Sunrise at the Market - 市場にて、朝陽と遭遇)

It was some lives which crushed down on to the pavement, right next to the flower market - flame thrashing around and sending out heavy smoke...

"Ordinary", "predictable" and "undramatic" daily life.
No, it is not - there are so many of us trying to keep things going smoothly.
In fact, it is no ordinary life.

Waking up in the morning - feeling lucky and thankful.

There is a mail in my inbox from New Covent Garden Flower Market.
It will open its door again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

明けましておめでとうございます-A Happy New Year

  Beautiful ROSES direct from a rose grower - labour of LOVE, indeed.

A Very Warm Happy New Year.
Wishing YOU lots of love and laughter.
Let 2013 help you bloom (again) and take you to where you want to be.....!




Somehow I always feel tensed and nervous over NEW YEAR holiday season.
With new creeds, unchanged promises, and full of gratitude, Living Seasons would like to grow...even though it might be just a small step.

It would be wonderful if we grow together.....