花の贈り物で圧倒的に人気なのが花束。教室の内外で紡ぎ出された花束をご紹介させていただきます。ブルームスブリー教室の和子さんの花束は、黄色いバラをメインに据えた華やかな作品。深いグリ−ンを使う事で、バラの存在感を一層に高めています。かすみ草の入り方も上品ですね。Hand-Tied bouquets are one of the most popular ways of sending flowers to someone. We also have made some Hand-Tied in our classes, and here are some fine examples. From Bloomsbury class, this is Kazuko's work. She used yellow roses for her main materials with dark foliage so that those roses stood up even better. The use of Gypsophilia is also very effective in this beautiful bouquet.

早苗さんの作品は、お友達へのプレゼントとして作られたもの。ライムグリーンのキクを中心に、春らしい色の花達が彩りを添えています。軽やかなだけではなく,人の目も引きつける作品です。Sanae's Hand-Tied is a gift for her friend. Around this gorgeous lime-green Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema geplozen kas 'Shamrock'), she gathered variety of delicate Spring flowers. It is very airy and light, yet eye catching, too!

ハムステッド教室からは、めぐみさんの作品です。黄色のバラにワイン色のカラーとカーネーションという大人の色合わせ。花の背丈を活かし大きく作りながらも、花のバランスが絶妙です。From Hampstead class, this one is created by Megumi. Long stem yellow roses and wine-red-coloured Zantedeschia and Dianthus - it is such a sophisticated colour scheme here. Look at its size - very tall! - as well as its good visual balance!

桂子さんの作品は、ヤツデの葉を効果的に添えた一品。蒼いアネモネとトリカブトをバックに咲く薔薇が映える、目にも鮮やかな色合わせですね。Keiko's work has very strong visual impact. With dark green Fatsia japonica leaves as its background, orange roses are blooming so beautifully. Blue Anemone and Aconitums are complimenting to the roses, too.
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