前回に引き続き,花束のご紹介です。今回はアドバンスクラスで作製された、空間を活かしたフラットな花束。ブルームスブリーの教室から智子さんの作品です。葉っぱを丁寧に組上げる事で,とても立体的で軽やかな花束が出来上がりました。周りに配されたベアグラスが印象的です。In Advance Class, we made some FlatHand-Tied bouquets. The key to this work is how to create some negative space, and how to spread each material within its shape. From Bloomsbury, Tomoko made this well-constructed, but, yet, very light Hand-Tied. Each foliage was carefully arranged in this work, and Beargrass at the edge of this bouquet added more visual movement to it.

裕季子さんの作品は、ベアグラスで花束の中にしっかりと躍動感を持たせていますね。花が,湧き上がってくるような動きを持ち、見る人の目をしっかりと引きつけます。Yukiko's Hand-Tied has very strong visual movements in it, generated by Beargrass. Each flower material seems as if they are splashing out among the foliage... It is so eye-catching.

邦子さんの作品は、春という空気感をそのまま花束に束ねたような作品。コーディラインの葉が背景の役目を果たし、全体をつなぎ合わせています。Kuniko's work is very well capturing the air of Spring season. Even though it could have been too light and almost no visual-impact, Kuniko cleverly used Cordyline fruticosa 'Kiwi' as its background to create a focal point in the bouquet.

ハムステッドの教室からは、朋子さんの花束です。様々な種類の花材が一本一本大切に組上げられています。見るものの目を飽きさせない、そんな奥行きがありますね。At Hampstead class, Tomoko created this intricating bouquet. Various material has been carefully coordinated in this work one by one in terms of texture, size, colour... It grips viewer's attention very well, and lets viewers appreciate the detail of her work.
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