Monday, March 26, 2007
Tulip under the Blue Sky - 陽だまりのチューリップ
市場に並べられるチューリップも素敵ですが,青空の下に咲くチューリップは、また格別の美しさです。I adore those Tulips bunched up in the market, but those Tulips blooming under the Spring sun shine are something else!
Fusion Flowers - フュージョン・フラワーズ
Fusion Flowers April/May issue has featured one of the Spring designs with Roses from David Austin. They are the leading grower of typical Old English Rose, and the flowers are truely exquisite. 'Miranda''Juliet''and 'Emily' are the names of those roses in this design, and I really wish I could send this delicious scent!
Hampstead Class Date Alteration - ハムステッドクラスの日程変更について
It is regret to inform that we have to change some date on Hampstead Classes in April and May 2007.
The 1st class on the new term is on the 4th April (Wednesday) from 11:00a.m.
The following class will be held on the 19th April (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
Then, the 3rd class will be on the 3rd May (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
The following class will be on the 9th May (Wednesday) from 10:30a.m.
From the 17th May, the usual schedule is resumed, which is every Thursdays, from 10:30 a.m. Sincere apology for any inconvenience this may cause you.
It is regret to inform that we have to change some date on Hampstead Classes in April and May 2007.
The 1st class on the new term is on the 4th April (Wednesday) from 11:00a.m.
The following class will be held on the 19th April (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
Then, the 3rd class will be on the 3rd May (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
The following class will be on the 9th May (Wednesday) from 10:30a.m.
From the 17th May, the usual schedule is resumed, which is every Thursdays, from 10:30 a.m. Sincere apology for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Just like Sunshine - 花瓶の中の太陽
。。。っていうか,目玉焼きみたいですか?先日の教室で,容子さんからいただいた花です。夜の教室で太陽のように光っていて、見とれてしまい、元気をもらい、気持ちが温かくなり、寒い帰り道も気になりませんでした。菊はあまり好きではないという声をよく聞きますが、本当に良い花なんですよ。シャキッとする匂いも好きなんです。Well...I know it looks rather like fried eggs. Yoko kindly gave me this lovely Chrysanthemum the other day in the class. It was shining like the Sun in the evening class, I could not keep my eyes off from it, it brought me such positive energy, provided me with warm feeling, hence, I was happy walking down the cold evening London street after the class. I know some people are anot crazy about Chrysanthemum, but it really IS a nice flower! I also love that clean scent.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Vanda 'Black Magic' - マーケットの花便り
市場の片隅に並べられた白い箱。その中で妖しく咲いていたのが、バンダ。朝の市場から、熱帯の森へと想いが飛んだ瞬間です。Array of white boxes on the dusty floor, in the market, Vanda was hiding its face in those boxes.A savage bewitcher. A moment of magical transportation from cool market on the south of Thames River to intensely humid tropical forest.
Line Arrangement - ライン・アレンジメントを作って
しばらく前になりますが,教室でライン/アレンジメントを取り上げました。写真をお預かりしていたのですが,なかなかこちらで御紹介する事が出来ずにいました。。。というわけで、ブルームスブリーの教室から、裕季子さんの作品をまずご紹介します。葉の使い方がとても印象的で、ヘリコニアやショウガの花に負けない存在感を醸しだしていますね。空間の開け方も巧みです。It has been a while since we made some Line Arrangements in the class. Yes, I know I was supposed to upload these photoes ages ago... Here we are, this is Yukiko's design from Bloomsbury Class. Her use of foliage, especially the palm leaf has its own statement here, and showing its beauty along with huge Heliconia and Ginger. The negative space in this work is also the key to its success.
邦子さんの作品は、極楽鳥花を中心に据えています。そのはっきりとした線を囲みながら、舞うように咲いているのが白いラナンキュラス。浮遊間いっぱいの作品です。Kuniko has used a Birds-of-Paradise (Strelizia) in her arrangement. Around its sharp stem, there were some white Ranunculus dancing like some snow flakes. It looked like ithad its own gravity in this arrangement.
晃子さんは、この季節らしい柳を取り入れています。柳で大きな流れを作り、弧を描かせることで、フォーカルアリアを更に強調させています。動きがありながら,とても静謐な作品です。Akiko has adopted Salix in her arrangement. This dramatic line, created by Salix, showed off its forcal area in this arrangement by having an elegant loop around it. It is full of visual movement, yet, so quiet.
邦子さんの作品は、極楽鳥花を中心に据えています。そのはっきりとした線を囲みながら、舞うように咲いているのが白いラナンキュラス。浮遊間いっぱいの作品です。Kuniko has used a Birds-of-Paradise (Strelizia) in her arrangement. Around its sharp stem, there were some white Ranunculus dancing like some snow flakes. It looked like ithad its own gravity in this arrangement.
晃子さんは、この季節らしい柳を取り入れています。柳で大きな流れを作り、弧を描かせることで、フォーカルアリアを更に強調させています。動きがありながら,とても静謐な作品です。Akiko has adopted Salix in her arrangement. This dramatic line, created by Salix, showed off its forcal area in this arrangement by having an elegant loop around it. It is full of visual movement, yet, so quiet.
Crescent Arrangement - クレッセントを作って
ブルームスブリーの教室から,クレセントアレンジメントのお届けです。イサーの作品は,まるで本当の三日月を思わせるような色合わせ。写真から解りにくいのが残念ですが、淡くとけるような春の月のようです。Crescent Arrangements are one of our modules, and here are some fine examples here from Bloomsbury Class. Ethaar made this dreamy design. Unfortunately, you cannot see the design that clear, however, it has beautiful colour scheme: just like a soft gentle crescent hanging in the Spring evening.
和子さんの作品では、しっかりと作り上げられたフォーカル・エリアが印象的です。深い色を持つアネモネと明るい黄色のバラが、滑らかな弧の上にアレンジされていますね。In Kazuko's design, yellow Rosa and bordeaux Anemone are creating a clear forcal area. Materials are arranged on a smooth crescent.
マリエさんの作品は、和子さんと花材を共有したものです。花材が同じでも,出来上がりの作品はこれほど違った印象になります。明確なクレセントを、丁寧に葉モノで作っていただいたのがわかりますね。Marie shared the material with Kazuko on the day, although the completed designs have such a different impression. Marie has created this beautiful crescent shape carefully with foliage, so flowers came naturally along with it.
和子さんの作品では、しっかりと作り上げられたフォーカル・エリアが印象的です。深い色を持つアネモネと明るい黄色のバラが、滑らかな弧の上にアレンジされていますね。In Kazuko's design, yellow Rosa and bordeaux Anemone are creating a clear forcal area. Materials are arranged on a smooth crescent.
マリエさんの作品は、和子さんと花材を共有したものです。花材が同じでも,出来上がりの作品はこれほど違った印象になります。明確なクレセントを、丁寧に葉モノで作っていただいたのがわかりますね。Marie shared the material with Kazuko on the day, although the completed designs have such a different impression. Marie has created this beautiful crescent shape carefully with foliage, so flowers came naturally along with it.
Parallel Horizontal Design - パラレル(水平)デザインを作って
ブルームスブリーの教室からは、容子さんの作品です。この季節を彩る椿を、水面を流れていくかのようにアレンジされています。花の表情を丁寧に読み、それぞれの花の持つ美しさを、大切に表現した作品ですね。From Bloomsbury class, this one is from Yoko. Camelia is one of very few flowers which bring some colours to the garden during this cold season. Yoko has arranged this very seasonal flowers as if they are floating on water. By reading carefully each material, Yoko has created a beautiful piece of work here.
裕季子さんの作品は、とても立体感のある仕上がりです。水平に配された枝の間をまるで浮かぶように咲く赤いグラジオラスに、この作品の力強さが表現されているのではないでしょうか。Yukiko's work is a very 3 dimentional design. Red Gladiolus, as if they are travelling through those parallel twigs, deliver this design with visual impact and individuality.
邦子さんの作品は,春の香りに包まれた作品です。イギリスの春を代表する色、黄色(フリージア)をメインに据え、補完色となるアイリスの蒼できりっとした印象に。スピード感のある作品ですね。Kuniko's design has filled the room with delicious Spring scent on that evening. Yello is the colour of Spring in the UK: so was for Kuniko. Yellow Freesia were accompanied with Indigo colour of Iris here, which made this arrangement very cool, and yet, very exciting.
智子さんは、微妙な色のグラデーションで春の風景を表現されています。メリハリのある花の高低差、花のない空間の上手い取り方により、この作品がより生き生きしたものとなっていますね。Tomoko has adopted a shades of frozen colour in this cool design in order to deliver a sense of early Spring. Tomoko has controlled the length of material and the use of negative space so that she brought this work into life even more!
イーサの作品は、芽吹いた柳を取り上げる事で、作品の中に動きを持ち込んでいます。使用する花材の数を抑えることで、オレンジ色のラナンキュラスが更に印象的になりましたね。This elegant design from Ethaar is taking up some blooming Salix, so that the design has its own visual movement. The orange Ranunculus are very large, so Ethaar did not use that many other material here. And the result was that the Ranunculus looked even more crisp.
裕季子さんの作品は、とても立体感のある仕上がりです。水平に配された枝の間をまるで浮かぶように咲く赤いグラジオラスに、この作品の力強さが表現されているのではないでしょうか。Yukiko's work is a very 3 dimentional design. Red Gladiolus, as if they are travelling through those parallel twigs, deliver this design with visual impact and individuality.
邦子さんの作品は,春の香りに包まれた作品です。イギリスの春を代表する色、黄色(フリージア)をメインに据え、補完色となるアイリスの蒼できりっとした印象に。スピード感のある作品ですね。Kuniko's design has filled the room with delicious Spring scent on that evening. Yello is the colour of Spring in the UK: so was for Kuniko. Yellow Freesia were accompanied with Indigo colour of Iris here, which made this arrangement very cool, and yet, very exciting.
智子さんは、微妙な色のグラデーションで春の風景を表現されています。メリハリのある花の高低差、花のない空間の上手い取り方により、この作品がより生き生きしたものとなっていますね。Tomoko has adopted a shades of frozen colour in this cool design in order to deliver a sense of early Spring. Tomoko has controlled the length of material and the use of negative space so that she brought this work into life even more!
イーサの作品は、芽吹いた柳を取り上げる事で、作品の中に動きを持ち込んでいます。使用する花材の数を抑えることで、オレンジ色のラナンキュラスが更に印象的になりましたね。This elegant design from Ethaar is taking up some blooming Salix, so that the design has its own visual movement. The orange Ranunculus are very large, so Ethaar did not use that many other material here. And the result was that the Ranunculus looked even more crisp.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
From the Market - マーケットから
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Graceful Colour - 儚さ
Flat Hand-Tied - フラットな花束を作って
前回に引き続き,花束のご紹介です。今回はアドバンスクラスで作製された、空間を活かしたフラットな花束。ブルームスブリーの教室から智子さんの作品です。葉っぱを丁寧に組上げる事で,とても立体的で軽やかな花束が出来上がりました。周りに配されたベアグラスが印象的です。In Advance Class, we made some FlatHand-Tied bouquets. The key to this work is how to create some negative space, and how to spread each material within its shape. From Bloomsbury, Tomoko made this well-constructed, but, yet, very light Hand-Tied. Each foliage was carefully arranged in this work, and Beargrass at the edge of this bouquet added more visual movement to it.
裕季子さんの作品は、ベアグラスで花束の中にしっかりと躍動感を持たせていますね。花が,湧き上がってくるような動きを持ち、見る人の目をしっかりと引きつけます。Yukiko's Hand-Tied has very strong visual movements in it, generated by Beargrass. Each flower material seems as if they are splashing out among the foliage... It is so eye-catching.
邦子さんの作品は、春という空気感をそのまま花束に束ねたような作品。コーディラインの葉が背景の役目を果たし、全体をつなぎ合わせています。Kuniko's work is very well capturing the air of Spring season. Even though it could have been too light and almost no visual-impact, Kuniko cleverly used Cordyline fruticosa 'Kiwi' as its background to create a focal point in the bouquet.
ハムステッドの教室からは、朋子さんの花束です。様々な種類の花材が一本一本大切に組上げられています。見るものの目を飽きさせない、そんな奥行きがありますね。At Hampstead class, Tomoko created this intricating bouquet. Various material has been carefully coordinated in this work one by one in terms of texture, size, colour... It grips viewer's attention very well, and lets viewers appreciate the detail of her work.
裕季子さんの作品は、ベアグラスで花束の中にしっかりと躍動感を持たせていますね。花が,湧き上がってくるような動きを持ち、見る人の目をしっかりと引きつけます。Yukiko's Hand-Tied has very strong visual movements in it, generated by Beargrass. Each flower material seems as if they are splashing out among the foliage... It is so eye-catching.
邦子さんの作品は、春という空気感をそのまま花束に束ねたような作品。コーディラインの葉が背景の役目を果たし、全体をつなぎ合わせています。Kuniko's work is very well capturing the air of Spring season. Even though it could have been too light and almost no visual-impact, Kuniko cleverly used Cordyline fruticosa 'Kiwi' as its background to create a focal point in the bouquet.
ハムステッドの教室からは、朋子さんの花束です。様々な種類の花材が一本一本大切に組上げられています。見るものの目を飽きさせない、そんな奥行きがありますね。At Hampstead class, Tomoko created this intricating bouquet. Various material has been carefully coordinated in this work one by one in terms of texture, size, colour... It grips viewer's attention very well, and lets viewers appreciate the detail of her work.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Hand-Tied bouquet - 花を束ねて
花の贈り物で圧倒的に人気なのが花束。教室の内外で紡ぎ出された花束をご紹介させていただきます。ブルームスブリー教室の和子さんの花束は、黄色いバラをメインに据えた華やかな作品。深いグリ−ンを使う事で、バラの存在感を一層に高めています。かすみ草の入り方も上品ですね。Hand-Tied bouquets are one of the most popular ways of sending flowers to someone. We also have made some Hand-Tied in our classes, and here are some fine examples. From Bloomsbury class, this is Kazuko's work. She used yellow roses for her main materials with dark foliage so that those roses stood up even better. The use of Gypsophilia is also very effective in this beautiful bouquet.
早苗さんの作品は、お友達へのプレゼントとして作られたもの。ライムグリーンのキクを中心に、春らしい色の花達が彩りを添えています。軽やかなだけではなく,人の目も引きつける作品です。Sanae's Hand-Tied is a gift for her friend. Around this gorgeous lime-green Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema geplozen kas 'Shamrock'), she gathered variety of delicate Spring flowers. It is very airy and light, yet eye catching, too!
ハムステッド教室からは、めぐみさんの作品です。黄色のバラにワイン色のカラーとカーネーションという大人の色合わせ。花の背丈を活かし大きく作りながらも、花のバランスが絶妙です。From Hampstead class, this one is created by Megumi. Long stem yellow roses and wine-red-coloured Zantedeschia and Dianthus - it is such a sophisticated colour scheme here. Look at its size - very tall! - as well as its good visual balance!
桂子さんの作品は、ヤツデの葉を効果的に添えた一品。蒼いアネモネとトリカブトをバックに咲く薔薇が映える、目にも鮮やかな色合わせですね。Keiko's work has very strong visual impact. With dark green Fatsia japonica leaves as its background, orange roses are blooming so beautifully. Blue Anemone and Aconitums are complimenting to the roses, too.
早苗さんの作品は、お友達へのプレゼントとして作られたもの。ライムグリーンのキクを中心に、春らしい色の花達が彩りを添えています。軽やかなだけではなく,人の目も引きつける作品です。Sanae's Hand-Tied is a gift for her friend. Around this gorgeous lime-green Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema geplozen kas 'Shamrock'), she gathered variety of delicate Spring flowers. It is very airy and light, yet eye catching, too!
ハムステッド教室からは、めぐみさんの作品です。黄色のバラにワイン色のカラーとカーネーションという大人の色合わせ。花の背丈を活かし大きく作りながらも、花のバランスが絶妙です。From Hampstead class, this one is created by Megumi. Long stem yellow roses and wine-red-coloured Zantedeschia and Dianthus - it is such a sophisticated colour scheme here. Look at its size - very tall! - as well as its good visual balance!
桂子さんの作品は、ヤツデの葉を効果的に添えた一品。蒼いアネモネとトリカブトをバックに咲く薔薇が映える、目にも鮮やかな色合わせですね。Keiko's work has very strong visual impact. With dark green Fatsia japonica leaves as its background, orange roses are blooming so beautifully. Blue Anemone and Aconitums are complimenting to the roses, too.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Friday Workshop on 9th March - 3月9日のワークショップ
日時:3月9日 金曜日
Hampstead Workshops March resume from this week! The theme for this week is Spring Arrangement without any water retaining foam, ON YOUR OWN PLATE! We share the idea, but the shape is entirely up to you. It will be a natural style design, with a shape created with weaving. Are you interested? Why don't you come along to see what is going on here?
Time: 9th February from 10:00am
Location: Hampstead Christchurch
(Detail is on www.LivingSeasons)
Class fee: £45.00 (includes all the material)
日時:3月9日 金曜日
Hampstead Workshops March resume from this week! The theme for this week is Spring Arrangement without any water retaining foam, ON YOUR OWN PLATE! We share the idea, but the shape is entirely up to you. It will be a natural style design, with a shape created with weaving. Are you interested? Why don't you come along to see what is going on here?
Time: 9th February from 10:00am
Location: Hampstead Christchurch
(Detail is on www.LivingSeasons)
Class fee: £45.00 (includes all the material)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
From the previous Workshop - ワークショップからの作品
先月のワークショップでは,吸水性フォームを使わないフレームアレンジの作製でした。朋子さんの作品では、冬の地表を割るように立ち上がってくる花々が、とても伸びやかに活けられています。一輪一輪の姿が素敵です。The Workshop in February was about creating a Frame Arrangement without any use of water retaining foam. In Tomoko's creation, each flower shows its beauty through good use of both positive and negative spaces. Flowers look as if they are bursting out from cold winter ground, and trying to catch the Sun!
よしこさんの作品は、春と冬のせめぎ合い。冬のしがらみを破るように、春が溢れ流れ出る様を美しく形にしていますね。フレームの使い方がとても効果的です。Yoshiko has captured a seasonal moment of Spring almost coming, but Winter does not yeild yet... With very effective use of the frame, its elegant shape shows the spirit of Spring, almost arriving to the town.
聡子さんの作品は、春の花の愛らしさをぎゅっと集める事で最大限に表現しています。丁寧に作られているのが、写真からもよくわかります。Satoko has created a beautiful arrangement showing off the sheer Spring colour here. By arranging the materials into a mass in this work, Satoko succeeds in delivering Spring spirit.
ご参加頂いた皆さん,本当に美しい作品を作り出して頂いて,ありがとうございました。春が、少しお家に届きましたか?Thanks to everyone who joined this Workshop! And than you for creating such beautiful works!! Has it brought a little bit of Spring to your door?
よしこさんの作品は、春と冬のせめぎ合い。冬のしがらみを破るように、春が溢れ流れ出る様を美しく形にしていますね。フレームの使い方がとても効果的です。Yoshiko has captured a seasonal moment of Spring almost coming, but Winter does not yeild yet... With very effective use of the frame, its elegant shape shows the spirit of Spring, almost arriving to the town.
聡子さんの作品は、春の花の愛らしさをぎゅっと集める事で最大限に表現しています。丁寧に作られているのが、写真からもよくわかります。Satoko has created a beautiful arrangement showing off the sheer Spring colour here. By arranging the materials into a mass in this work, Satoko succeeds in delivering Spring spirit.
ご参加頂いた皆さん,本当に美しい作品を作り出して頂いて,ありがとうございました。春が、少しお家に届きましたか?Thanks to everyone who joined this Workshop! And than you for creating such beautiful works!! Has it brought a little bit of Spring to your door?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Parallel Horizontal Design - パラレル(水平)デザインを作って
今週のクラスでは、パラレルアレンジメントのホリゾンタル(水平)を取り上げていきます。茎や枝の流れは、全て横の水平のみというこの形。花の向きや茎の動きだけではなく、一本一本に咲くスペースを与えてあげ、作品自体に立体感が出るようにしっかりコントロールしていきましょう。We aremaking Parallel Horizontal Arrangements in the Advanced Class. The shape is built up with horizontal line, without any visible use of verticla nor diagonal line. Let's pay atten not only to the face and movement of each flower, but also to create some space between each material in order to build up 3D effect in your design.
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