Monday, March 26, 2007
Tulip under the Blue Sky - 陽だまりのチューリップ
Fusion Flowers - フュージョン・フラワーズ
Fusion Flowers April/May issue has featured one of the Spring designs with Roses from David Austin. They are the leading grower of typical Old English Rose, and the flowers are truely exquisite. 'Miranda''Juliet''and 'Emily' are the names of those roses in this design, and I really wish I could send this delicious scent!
Hampstead Class Date Alteration - ハムステッドクラスの日程変更について
It is regret to inform that we have to change some date on Hampstead Classes in April and May 2007.
The 1st class on the new term is on the 4th April (Wednesday) from 11:00a.m.
The following class will be held on the 19th April (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
Then, the 3rd class will be on the 3rd May (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
The following class will be on the 9th May (Wednesday) from 10:30a.m.
From the 17th May, the usual schedule is resumed, which is every Thursdays, from 10:30 a.m. Sincere apology for any inconvenience this may cause you.
It is regret to inform that we have to change some date on Hampstead Classes in April and May 2007.
The 1st class on the new term is on the 4th April (Wednesday) from 11:00a.m.
The following class will be held on the 19th April (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
Then, the 3rd class will be on the 3rd May (Thursday) from 10:30a.m.
The following class will be on the 9th May (Wednesday) from 10:30a.m.
From the 17th May, the usual schedule is resumed, which is every Thursdays, from 10:30 a.m. Sincere apology for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Just like Sunshine - 花瓶の中の太陽
Friday, March 23, 2007
Vanda 'Black Magic' - マーケットの花便り
Line Arrangement - ライン・アレンジメントを作って
Crescent Arrangement - クレッセントを作って
Parallel Horizontal Design - パラレル(水平)デザインを作って
Saturday, March 17, 2007
From the Market - マーケットから
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Graceful Colour - 儚さ
Flat Hand-Tied - フラットな花束を作って
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Hand-Tied bouquet - 花を束ねて
桂子さんの作品は、ヤツデの葉を効果的に添えた一品。蒼いアネモネとトリカブトをバックに咲く薔薇が映える、目にも鮮やかな色合わせですね。Keiko's work has very strong visual impact. With dark green Fatsia japonica leaves as its background, orange roses are blooming so beautifully. Blue Anemone and Aconitums are complimenting to the roses, too.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Friday Workshop on 9th March - 3月9日のワークショップ
日時:3月9日 金曜日
Hampstead Workshops March resume from this week! The theme for this week is Spring Arrangement without any water retaining foam, ON YOUR OWN PLATE! We share the idea, but the shape is entirely up to you. It will be a natural style design, with a shape created with weaving. Are you interested? Why don't you come along to see what is going on here?
Time: 9th February from 10:00am
Location: Hampstead Christchurch
(Detail is on www.LivingSeasons)
Class fee: £45.00 (includes all the material)
日時:3月9日 金曜日
Hampstead Workshops March resume from this week! The theme for this week is Spring Arrangement without any water retaining foam, ON YOUR OWN PLATE! We share the idea, but the shape is entirely up to you. It will be a natural style design, with a shape created with weaving. Are you interested? Why don't you come along to see what is going on here?
Time: 9th February from 10:00am
Location: Hampstead Christchurch
(Detail is on www.LivingSeasons)
Class fee: £45.00 (includes all the material)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
From the previous Workshop - ワークショップからの作品
聡子さんの作品は、春の花の愛らしさをぎゅっと集める事で最大限に表現しています。丁寧に作られているのが、写真からもよくわかります。Satoko has created a beautiful arrangement showing off the sheer Spring colour here. By arranging the materials into a mass in this work, Satoko succeeds in delivering Spring spirit.
ご参加頂いた皆さん,本当に美しい作品を作り出して頂いて,ありがとうございました。春が、少しお家に届きましたか?Thanks to everyone who joined this Workshop! And than you for creating such beautiful works!! Has it brought a little bit of Spring to your door?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Parallel Horizontal Design - パラレル(水平)デザインを作って
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