朝の冷たい空気を抜け、市場の中を急いで回っているとき、その足を止めてくれたのがこの花 Widow Iris (Hermodactylus tuberosus)。こういう出会いは市場ならばこそ。イングランド南西部のコーンウォールから届けられたそうです。そのほとんどを、オランダからの輸入花が占めるコベントガーデン市場の花ですが、イギリス育ちの花だって今もしっかり咲いているんです。野性味と繊細さ,そして切なさ・刹那さが漂っていて、今食卓の上で咲いています。
Through the cold morning air, although I was rushing around in the market, I had to stop in front of a box of flowers - Widow Iris (Hermodactylus tuberosus). According to the stall holder, they came from Cornwall. Most of the flowers for sale at New Covent Garden Market are coming from the Netherlands, however, still, there are some very distinctive British grown flowers around. Wild, Delicate, and somehow it crashes my heart...now, they found a space on my dining table.
I wonder who gave them the name "widow!!",tho they are very cool. At the market in Japan, I can find lots of Spring flowers now, and I also sometimes get them for myself.
Thank you for your comment, Hitomi-san! It is the attraction to go to a market, isn't it? Looking around flowers, and get more energy from them. Ah, Spring flowers in Japan... NaNoHaNa NaNoHaNa NaNoHaNa... Spring flowers tend to have some fragrance, and the smell of it reminds me of Japanese Spring. Hitomi, what is your flower of the day?
Yes,Yes!now we've got lots lots of NANOHANA.Yellow is the colour of Spring,it's the same in London, isn't it? News from you in London,always send me full of energy, and I hope I can return it to you as well.
Of course! It is always great to hearand see what you are up to these days. The air in your shop is full of positive KI with clean flow. Sadly, I have not seen much NaNoHaNa here in New Covent Garden Market. Do they think thy are weeds??
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