Friday, February 02, 2007

Landscape Arrangement - ランドスケープアレンジメント

アドバンスクラスでは、ランドスケープアレンジの作製です。その名の通り、自然の風景をとらえ再構築していくデザイン。In Advanced Class, we made Landscape Arrangements. As its name suggests, its concept is to capture landscape and translate it into your arrangement.
Autumnal landscape is designed by Mariko. The flower material sho chose to use in this work was a single stem of Spray Chrysanthemum. How cool is that! Japanese plume grass (Miscanthus sinensis) is like a feather, dancing in the sky: yet, you can imagine a long view of autum field at its base. Can you feel chill breeze?
裕季子さんの作品は、春の水辺の景色。柳と苔,そして春らしい球根系の花々で作り上げています。コントラストのある色の使い方と柳の枝の動きによって,水辺の静けさの中にも躍動感を感じさせる作品に仕上がっています。Yukiko recreated a scene from a Spring pond. With Salix, moss and some spring bulbs, this arrangement is capturing a feel of water very well. Yet, with very bright colour contrast and the dramatic movement of the Salix, it delivers both quietness and visual impact at the same time.

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