Friday, February 23, 2007
Front Facing Arrangements - 伝統的なアレンジを作って
朝の教室から、まずはめぐみさんの作品の登場です。柔らかな色で作り上げられたアレンジですが、ユリを中心に据えることではっきりとしたフォーカルエリアを作り出しています。アイリスの蒼が効いていますね。From Hampstead Class, megumi has created a soft and subtle colour-scheme arrangement. By using elegant Lilium, the arrangement has a clear focal area within. It is very clever to use some blue Iris as its accent material here.
桂子さんの作品では、明確なグロースポイントを中心に、テッポウユリとチューベローズが甘い香りを運んでくれています。とても安定感のある作品に仕上がっていますね。Keiko's arragement has Lilium longiflorum and Polianthes tuberosa, delivering with such a sweet fragrance. As Keiko arranged each material from a certain growth point, the arrangement has very good visual balance and stability.
美幸さんの作品は、グルーピングによるフォーカルエリアの強調の仕方が巧みです。かすみ草も垢抜けた使い方をされていますね。With Line and Grouping technique, Miyuki has created this Spring-like arrangement with clear focal area. The use of Gypsophilia 'Million Stars' is also sophisticated, not suburban at all!
ブルームスブリー教室の和子さんの作品では、花材の高低差をしっかりと付ける事で立体感を生み出しています。更に周りに配された細かな花や蕾が、見る人の目をアレンジ全体へと運んでくれます。Kazuko from Bloomsbury Class has created this bright arrangement with good recession, which provide this work with great deal of 3D effect. Those small flowers and buds around the arrangement do lead viewer's eyes to the whole design、too.
Floral Design Magazine - フローラルデザイン2月号
Floral Design Magazine February issue has featured another work from Living Seasons. This time around, the design is with beautiful yarn and dried branches from winter park. So wintery!
Floral Design Magazine February issue has featured another work from Living Seasons. This time around, the design is with beautiful yarn and dried branches from winter park. So wintery!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Parallel Arrangement - パラレルアレンジを作って
木曜日の教室では、1つのデザインを二度づつ作っています。こうする事で,更に技術と自信が身に付くと考えるからです。イーサの作品は彼女らしい静かな色による展開です。白から広げられた色が、左右にバランス良く収められた枝の中で静かにたたずんでいます。On Thursday Classes, we repeat making 1 style of arrangement for 2 weeks, because I believe this deliver even better technique and confidence to everyone.Ethaar has created a very elegant and quiet work here. The colour scheme is so her! The baseof its colour is white, however, you would be surprised how broad the shades of white can be. Those wintery twigs are well balanced on both sides, holding the whole arrangement up well.
真里子さんの作品は、久しぶりにロンドンに舞った雪を交えての作品撮影です。ピンクのカーネーションと赤い珊瑚ミヅキの配置が美しく、足元を占めている葉ものと雪の対比が印象的です。(雪をのせたのは撮影時のみとのことですから、心配しないでくださいね。) Mariko incooporate some snow which danced on London sky the other day. Pink Dianthus and Red Cornus are well balanced, and those big leaves provides solid and quiet backgrounds with snow. (Apparently she used snow only for the photoshoot, so no flowers has been harmed!)
早春の日だまりを感じさせるのは、裕季子さんの作品です。暖かい色合いでまとめたアレンジは,それぞれの花に高低差をしっかり持たせる事で、伸び上がるようにすっきりと仕上げられていますね。You can feel the warmth of a sun-lit spot in spring from Yukiko's work. Its colour scheme is yellow and pink, with warm undertone. Each flower has its own space, and also has been provided with different hight and depth. The resul is a light and naturally-grown style.
智子さんの作品は、春の光がこぼれんばかりの作品です。透明感のある黄色と赤そしてアクセントの青がお互いに喧嘩しないように、足元に配された微妙な色合いの葉牡丹。しっかり計算された出来上がりです。Tomoko's creation is bursting out with luminous spring light. Jewell-like yellow, red and a touch of blue as its accent are still in good harmony, as there are some bridging-colour Brassica at its base. Very clever use of the colour.
邦子さんの作品では、深い色の合わせ方で見せています。真ん中でリューカデンドロンが妖しく開き、チューリップとヒアシンスが,それを押し上げるように咲く、個性的な作品に仕上がりました。Kuniko's arrangement is with rather darker and richer colour. Leucadendron is its center blooming bewitchingly, while Hyacinthus and Tulipa are standing side by side supporting Leucadendron. It an uniquely beautiful design.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Wedding Flowers- これまでのワークショップの作品
ワークショップでは一体どのようなブーケを作っているのですか、というお問い合わせを頂きました。そこで,ワークショップに長くご参加頂いているよしこさんの作品をご覧いただこうと思います。それぞれフレームを使用したブーケで、よしこさんらしい流れるようなエレガントなラインが素敵ですね。サイゼルのブーケは霞のように漂い、スネークグラス(Equisetum hyemale L.)を用いたブーケは、人の目を釘付けにして離しません。
Someone has asked what kind of bouquet we had been making at our Workshops, so, here you see them. They are Yoshiko's designs, who has been joining the Workshop from the start. You can see beautifully flawless and elegant lines in her designs. The sisal bouquet has dreamy taste, meanwhile, Snake Grass (Equisetum hyemale L.) bouquet has such a strong visual impact!
Someone has asked what kind of bouquet we had been making at our Workshops, so, here you see them. They are Yoshiko's designs, who has been joining the Workshop from the start. You can see beautifully flawless and elegant lines in her designs. The sisal bouquet has dreamy taste, meanwhile, Snake Grass (Equisetum hyemale L.) bouquet has such a strong visual impact!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Flowers in the market - マーケットに咲く花
日本で働いていたとき、店長が時々仕入れてくれていたことを思い出しました。クリスマス・ローズ (Helleborus niger)というあまりにも西洋的な名前とは似ても似つかない,しっとりとした花の持つその風情。きょう、バレンタイン明けで少し閑散としてしまっている市場で出会いました。さけばさくほど、静けさを運んでくれるような気がするのは、自分だけでしょうか?When I was working in Japan, my boss used to bring this lovely flowers as cut flowers back from the early market. Its name, Christmas Rose (helleborus niger), sounds almost too naff, but this flower has so much more style and beauty. I saw some of them sitting around on the floor this mornig at rather empty market after the Valentine's Day fever. The more they bloom, the quieter I feel in the air...Is that only me?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Parallel Arrangement - パラレルアレンジを作って
先週のアドバンスクラスではパラレルアレンジの作製が進められました。これは,パラレルの中でも植生的な姿を捉えたベジタティブスタイルです。朝の教室からは、朋子さんの作品(右上)が登場です。美しく立ち上がる花に囲まれ、見上げるように咲いている白のアネモネ。可憐な表情がありますね。We made Parallel arrangement in Advanced Class last week. Its style is vegetative, and it aim is to capture the way material grows in natural habitat. At Hampstead Class, Tomoko made this style(Top right). Among those beautifully arranged tall flowers such as Leucadendron, white Anemones are showing their sweet faces, just like talking to other flowers.
夜の教室からは三名の作品が登場です。まず真里子さんの作品(左上)。暖かい日だまりで春の花々が一斉に咲き誇り,何かを語りかけてくれているように見えませんか?From Bloomsbury Class, we have 3 arrangements here. The first one is from Mariko (Top left). The flowers are showing off their beauty soaking up the gentle Spring sunbeam. They are blooming as if they are talking to you, aren't they?
次は裕季子さんの作品です(右下)。花材の組み合わせ方が効果的で,とても幻想的な作品に仕上がっていますね。The next one is Yukiko's design (Bottom right). The colour scheme is very effective here: quiet and, yet magical.
容子さんの作品(左下)では、春らしい明るい黄色の中に咲く青いアネモネが印象的です。この青が作品にメリハリを与え、黄色を更に引き立てていますね。The nextone is from Yoko (Bottom left). Among Spring-like yellow, Yoko used blue Anemone, which draw your eyes into. This blue delivers contrast to this design, so that the yellow in this arrangement looks even clearer.
Thursday Class - 今週木曜日のクラス
In Advanced Class, we are making Flat-style hand-tied this week. Some people call it Continental Hand-Tied. This arrangement is created in the same spiral manner, however, the shape is rather flat and wider than the basic one. The key to this style is a good combination of different texture. What are you going to use for your own design??
In Advanced Class, we are making Flat-style hand-tied this week. Some people call it Continental Hand-Tied. This arrangement is created in the same spiral manner, however, the shape is rather flat and wider than the basic one. The key to this style is a good combination of different texture. What are you going to use for your own design??
Monday, February 05, 2007
Star in the Market - マーケットで心惹かれた花
朝の冷たい空気を抜け、市場の中を急いで回っているとき、その足を止めてくれたのがこの花 Widow Iris (Hermodactylus tuberosus)。こういう出会いは市場ならばこそ。イングランド南西部のコーンウォールから届けられたそうです。そのほとんどを、オランダからの輸入花が占めるコベントガーデン市場の花ですが、イギリス育ちの花だって今もしっかり咲いているんです。野性味と繊細さ,そして切なさ・刹那さが漂っていて、今食卓の上で咲いています。
Through the cold morning air, although I was rushing around in the market, I had to stop in front of a box of flowers - Widow Iris (Hermodactylus tuberosus). According to the stall holder, they came from Cornwall. Most of the flowers for sale at New Covent Garden Market are coming from the Netherlands, however, still, there are some very distinctive British grown flowers around. Wild, Delicate, and somehow it crashes my, they found a space on my dining table.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Friday Workshop on 9th Feb - 2月9日のワークショップ
日時:2月9日 金曜日
Hampstead Workshops 2007 finally resume from this week! The theme for this week is Winter Arrangement without any water retaining foam. We share the idea, but the shape is entirely up to you! It will be a natural style design, with lots of wintery material. Are you interested? Why don't you come along to see what is going on here?
Time: 9th February from 10:00am
Location: Hampstead Christchurch
(Detail is on www.LivingSeasons)
Class fee: £60.00 (includes all the material)
日時:2月9日 金曜日
Hampstead Workshops 2007 finally resume from this week! The theme for this week is Winter Arrangement without any water retaining foam. We share the idea, but the shape is entirely up to you! It will be a natural style design, with lots of wintery material. Are you interested? Why don't you come along to see what is going on here?
Time: 9th February from 10:00am
Location: Hampstead Christchurch
(Detail is on www.LivingSeasons)
Class fee: £60.00 (includes all the material)
Landscape Arrangement - ランドスケープアレンジメント
アドバンスクラスでは、ランドスケープアレンジの作製です。その名の通り、自然の風景をとらえ再構築していくデザイン。In Advanced Class, we made Landscape Arrangements. As its name suggests, its concept is to capture landscape and translate it into your arrangement.
Autumnal landscape is designed by Mariko. The flower material sho chose to use in this work was a single stem of Spray Chrysanthemum. How cool is that! Japanese plume grass (Miscanthus sinensis) is like a feather, dancing in the sky: yet, you can imagine a long view of autum field at its base. Can you feel chill breeze?
裕季子さんの作品は、春の水辺の景色。柳と苔,そして春らしい球根系の花々で作り上げています。コントラストのある色の使い方と柳の枝の動きによって,水辺の静けさの中にも躍動感を感じさせる作品に仕上がっています。Yukiko recreated a scene from a Spring pond. With Salix, moss and some spring bulbs, this arrangement is capturing a feel of water very well. Yet, with very bright colour contrast and the dramatic movement of the Salix, it delivers both quietness and visual impact at the same time.
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