こちらのデザインは恵さんによるものです。一輪一輪にそれぞれの ‘咲く場所’ が与えられ、まるで自然の景色を切り取ってきたような風情があります。立体感のある素敵な作品ですね。
Megumi has created this arrangement. Each flower was given its own “space to grow/bloom” in this design, and the whole arrangement just looked like a piece of field. A wonderfully well dimensioned design.
こちらは、裕季子さんの作品です。品種によっては、この季節にもう一度咲いてくれるバラがあります。そんな晩夏の庭を彷彿とさせる 、野性味溢れるデザインです。姫リンゴやぶどうの秋色に、薫り高いバラの色合わせも絶妙ですね。
This is Yukiko's design. Some varieties of Roses do bloom again around this time of the year, and this design really depicts its beauty: the end of summer, dry leaves with crisp air. Crab apples and some grape vine were accompanied by some highly scented roses. So wild!
Toshimi has created this design. The colour PINK can be quite intimidating - it somehow makes it look almost too cute... However, Toshimi effortlessly avoided falling in to that trap, and created an elegant colour combination. Pink for sophisticated table, I think.
こちらは、裕季子さんの作品です。品種によっては、この季節にもう一度咲いてくれるバラがあります。そんな晩夏の庭を彷彿とさせる 、野性味溢れるデザインです。姫リンゴやぶどうの秋色に、薫り高いバラの色合わせも絶妙ですね。
This is Yukiko's design. Some varieties of Roses do bloom again around this time of the year, and this design really depicts its beauty: the end of summer, dry leaves with crisp air. Crab apples and some grape vine were accompanied by some highly scented roses. So wild!
Toshimi has created this design. The colour PINK can be quite intimidating - it somehow makes it look almost too cute... However, Toshimi effortlessly avoided falling in to that trap, and created an elegant colour combination. Pink for sophisticated table, I think.
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