Hard pruning on Roses was my task yesterday: now my hands have many small cuts! A few years back, I watched a gardening programme on TV, and the presenter suggested that hard pruning on roses to be done around St. Valentine's day. Since then, I have been religiously doing this around this time. The result? Touch wood! So far, so good!

今週のクラスでは、基礎コースでは三方見のアレンジを一緒に作りましょう。イギリスらしい形のアレンジですよね。アレンジの王道です。こちらは由未さんによる作品です。This week, we are making Front Facing Arrangements with Basic Class. It is a standard British design to me. Well, perhaps this is an archetype of flower arrangement after all. Anyway, This design was created by Yumi.
アドバンスクラスでは、左右非対称の典型的なデザインとなるL型のアレンジメントに挑戦です。大人っぽさの出る、格好のいいアレンジを一緒に作って行きましょう。こちらは恵さんによる作品です。In Advanced Class, L-Shaped design is our agenda. It is a typical asymmetrical design: visual and actual balance can be the key factor here. Let's make a cool one together! This picture is Megumi's design.
Hope to see you in the class!
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