Sunday, April 27, 2008
Eustoma in Full Bloom - トルコ桔梗、満開
Friday, April 18, 2008
Kew Garden - キュー・ガーデンへ行きませんか?
The time has come! It is English Blubell time. I am debating when to go to Kew Garden...maybe next week. Anyone interested?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Class Schedule in May - 教室日程変更のお知らせ
In May, the class schedule will be slightly altered. We are not having Weekly Classes on 1st and 8th May due to my leaning trip. Will be back with some more inspiration!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Bow Shape arrangement - 弓形のアレンジを作って
It is such an elegant shape Bow Arrangements have! It is catchy, yet still elegant. How about creating your own design for your dinner table?
恵さんの作品は、フレームを取り入れたモダンなデザイン。色合わせといい、花の取り合わせといい、今の時代をよく捉えた作品になっていまね。Magumi has incoporated frame style into her her design. Its colour scheme, choice of flowers: the design has very strong contemporary feel to it.
This is another frame-style design created by Y.Tomoko's. Its flowing line of Tulipas and look-like-floating Hypericums are enhancing the shape well. It is hard to see from this photo, however, this design was really big!
とけるような優しい色合わせで作られたのは、恵子さんです。花の色に合うように選んだユーカリの葉で、やわらかなアーチを描いています。K.Keiko has used this beautiful frosted colour scheme. The material, both flowers and foliage were carefully selected, and lovely arching shape was created with Eucalyptus.
This is Satoko's design. Tulipas and Syringas have provided this design with gentle Spring feeling, and its shape has a wonderful flow tghrough the design, too.
It is such an elegant shape Bow Arrangements have! It is catchy, yet still elegant. How about creating your own design for your dinner table?
This is another frame-style design created by Y.Tomoko's. Its flowing line of Tulipas and look-like-floating Hypericums are enhancing the shape well. It is hard to see from this photo, however, this design was really big!
This is Satoko's design. Tulipas and Syringas have provided this design with gentle Spring feeling, and its shape has a wonderful flow tghrough the design, too.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Landscape Arrangement - ランドスケープアレンジメント
From Hampstead Class, this is Y.Tomoko's design. The Cotinus has just started showing its autumm colour in this design. A smooth and sparkling space is created with this beautiful Cotinus and Ivy.
K.Keiko brings you a sense of early autum field through her design. Keiko's has paid close attention to the very bottom of the design so that it draws your eyes to the every corner of the design.
This is Yoko's design from Bloomsbury Class. This work is really coming out of her own garden! Above the wintery Sedum, there is a real bunch of grape on a vine: a gorgeous garden creation.
Ethaar created this quiet and rather mystic design. It is just like walking into a deep Autum forest, and gets caught by a smell of moss and damp bark. Tranquility is the word for this design.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Joint Demonstration ー ジョイント・デモンストレーション
Ikebana Master Keiko Yoshino has kindly invited me to join her flower demonstration the other day at her Ikebana exhibition. "It would be very interesting to apply each Ikebana and Flower Arramnging elements to the same flower material. Don't you think?" This comment from Keiko started this joint demo after all. We had just over an hour to complete 5 designs each. With Keiko's informative talk, the whole project went well, and it was a great project.
This is Keiko Yoshino's BLOG.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Digital Camera Workshop - デジタルカメラ一日教室
日時:4月7日(月曜日) 朝の10時30分から
場所:ハムステッド クライストチャーチ教会
Photographed by Junko
A digital photograph class will be held on Monday 7th April from 10:30 at
Hampstead Christ Church. The tutor is Junko, who is a professional
photographer from Japan. She will tell and show you how to facilitate your
digital camera, and enable you to get MORE out of your camera.
The fee is £10.00, and the seat is limited, so if you would like to take
this opportunity, please do let me know!
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