Saturday, April 05, 2014

Spring has arrived, so let's start! 春のタームのご案内です

吹く風も、今日は少し暖かく感じられます。 こうして新しい季節を迎え事ができ、素直に嬉しい4月です。
London is filled with sparkling Spring light today. Even breeze does not hit me as hard as it used to today... April is here, and I appreciate the arrival of a new season on a day like today.

New Covent Garden Market in London is also loaded with Spring blooms now. More and more British flowers are coming to the market as the Spring has arrives, and showing their fresh faces in the morning. There are so many flowers to choose from, but even just one bloom is enough to make me feel warm and contented: my addiction and morning fix.

Our weekly classes starts from 9th/10th April, at the same time and the same place as before. And the agendas for Advance Class would be as follows:


1)ホガース(S字)アレンジ / Hogarth-Shape Arrangement
William Hogarth さんが唱えたLine of Beauty - S字のラインをアレンジの中に取り入れたデザインです。ちょっとロココ調を感じさせる、フォーマルなデザインになります。茎の流れと花の向きをしっかり見つけて創っていきます。 
Line of Beauty by William Hogarth - that is what we try to achieve here: a bit of Rococo style, and quite formal as a design. Let's find beauty of shapes and lines in each flower and foliage.
こちらは敏美さんの作品です/This is Toshimi's design

2)ボウ(弓)型アレンジ/Bow-shape Design
This arrangement has a radiant shape from its growth point. We will have to get used to how to manipulate/bend each material to create this elegant line.
こちらは恵子さんの作品です/This is Keiko's Design

3)シャワー=ハンドタイド/Shower style Hand-Tied
You would be able to apply the same design principle to a wedding BQ from here - this is assembled as a Hand-Tied. Let's make it soft and airy.

こちらは邦子さんの作品です/This is Kuniko's design

4)シャワー型アレンジ/Shower-style Arrangement
This one is on a floral foam, not a hand-Tied. There are some shared design elements with Bow-shape arrangement. We will see how Negative Space being used in this design.

こちらは路子さんの作品です/This is Michiko's design

 5)基本のテーブルセンター=アレンジ/Table Center Piece in Traditional style
This is a perfect design for formal dinner settings.You will be amazed how this arrangement transform your dinner table into something even more elegant.

こちらはナターシャさんの作品です/This is Natascha's design

These agendas are formed around a traditional and rather formal style. It will be very useful sessions as we really have to OBSERVE each material. 

いっぽう、これまでクラスに足を向けていただくチャンスを逃していらした方には、基礎の基礎から一緒に始めて行きましょう。丸い形のラウンドアレンジ、三角形 の三方見のアレンジ、基本の花束の作り方、花瓶を使ったアレンジの作り方、そして基礎コースのまとめとなる三日月型のアレンジと進んでいきます。
花やアレンジにご興味をお持ちの方で、ちょっとクラスをのぞいてみたいという時には、ご遠慮なくご連絡下さい。一度見学においでいただき、そして、実際にお花に触れてみてください。花に触れる機会が今まで無かった方 も,もちろん大歓迎です。(こちらにご紹介させていただいた作品は、すべてクラスにおいで頂いている方によるデザインです。)

On Basic Class, the agenda is Round, Front Facing, Hand-Tied, Vase arrangement and Crescent design. Let's create some beautiful designs with your own flowers.
If you are interested in Flowers/creating your own Flower Arrangements, please come along to the class to see what is going on.It really does not matter if you have any experience or not at all!

Looking forward to seeing you in the class!

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

2014年は、ノッティングヒルでもお目にかかります!Notting Hill Class is going to start this year!



A brand-new year has arrived! Wishing you all good wishes and joy throughout this 2014 and beyond. And it would be so nice if you could come back to this page time and time again.


From this year, our weekly classes are having an extra date in Notting Hill - a small but special step forward for us. 
Now Hampstead class in on Wednesdays, resuming from 29th January. And, Notting Hill class is starting from 30th January. I do hope to see you either space sometime soon.
*水曜日のハムステッド=クラス/Hampstead Classes on Wednesdays
場所:Hampstead Christ Church - Hampstead Square, NW3 1AB
(地下鉄ノーザン線ハムステッド駅より徒歩約5分/Nearest Tube station: Hampstead on Northern Line

*木曜日のノッティングヒル=クラス/Notting Hill Class on Thursdays
場所:St. george's Campden Hill- Aubrey Walk W8 7JG
(地下鉄ノッティングヒルゲート駅もしくはホランドパーク駅より徒歩約5−10分/Nearest Tube station: Notting Hill Gate or Holland Park

Classes will be starting from 10:30 on both locations. You can buy some foliage at Notting Hill Class just like we do in Hampstead(£3). So, please come and have a try on making your own arrangement.


1)ランドスケープアレンジ/ Landscape Arrangement
The idea is to re-create a certain scene/landscape as a flower arrangement - it does not have to be complicated, just think about your favourite places. Yes, and, of course,  we will think about Visual Balance.
Yumi's Landscape Design 由未さんによる作品です

2)パラレル縦型/Parallel (Vertical) Design
Let's show off the beauty of natural stems growing high up into the sky, flowers blooming facing to the light in this arrangement. Its success relies on how to create and keep Negative Space within a design, so let's use less material.

This is Keiko's design 恵子さんによる作品です
 3)フラットハンドタイド/Flat-style Hand-Tied
Imagine when you assemble jigsaw puzzles - this time, we use not only flower material, but also foliage and some decorative items within a design. Let's create a good visual balance and subtle recession on this design.
This is Natascha's design - こちらはナターシャさんのデザインです

 4)パラレル横型/Parallel (Horizontal)
This is the other side of Parallel designs - all the visible material used in the design will be placed in horizontal manner. It is a simple design, but it is very effective, and people would ask you about it on your dinner table.
This is Miki's design こちらは美紀さんによる作品です

5)スパイラル/Spiral Design 
All we need to do is to find some beautiful line - arching, stream lines, spiralling...etc. within each flower/foliage material. Let's stimulate your artistic side!

This is Kanako's design こちらは佳奈子さんによる作品です

During this new term, there will be several opportunities to "find out" more about shapes and line flowers/nature could offer. Also, we'll have to employ a good use of "Negative Space", which enriches your design skill dramatically. 

花 やアレンジにご興味をお持ちの方、是非一度見学においでになってください。そして、実際にお花に触れてみてください。花に触れる機会が今まで無かった方 も,もちろん大歓迎です!(こちらにご紹介させていただいた作品は、すべてクラスにおいで頂いている方によるデザインです。)
If you are interested in Flowers, or making your own hand-made designs, then please come along to one of our classes to see what is happening. It really does not matter whether if you have any previous experience of arranging flowers at all!

Looking forward to seeing you in the class soon.