Finally, The SUMMER has come to LONDON!
I had started wondering whether if we could ever wear short-sleeve shirts this year or not... but, now, it really was worth waiting for.
Naturally, the flower market is filled with abundance of summer flowers now. And, one familiar face among them is THIS.
There are Delphiniums, Cornflowers, Wheats, Lavenders.... the scent of SUMMER is in the air at the market - but SUNFLOWER (Helianthus) really makes me think of the season. Nowadays, you find Sunflowers regardless to the season, but look at this beauty! Flower, petals, leaves and stems - all look so wholesome and happy.
The weekly classes at Living Seasons is starting its Summer term from 18th July, at the same place and same time. The only difference on this term is that we only have 8 sessions, instead of usual 10. (Also, there will be no class on 22nd August and 5th September)
On Advance Classes, we are making 5 different designs as follows: with new addition of Wedding Posy design.
1)L型アレンジ(左右非対称=エシンメトリカル)ー エレガントかつダイナミックなスタイルです。こちらは恵さんの作品です。
1) L-Shape (Asymmetrical) Design - Elegant, yet very dynamic style. This design was created by Megumi.
1) L-Shape (Asymmetrical) Design - Elegant, yet very dynamic style. This design was created by Megumi.
2)ファン(扇)型アレンジ − 少ない本数でも、最大限のインパクトが得られるデザインです。こちらの作品は、彩子さんによるものです。
2) Fan-Shape Arrangement - the design will create maximum visual impact with relatively small number of flower material. One of the classic designs. This is Saiko's arrangement.
2) Fan-Shape Arrangement - the design will create maximum visual impact with relatively small number of flower material. One of the classic designs. This is Saiko's arrangement.
3)クロス=オーバーラッピング ー 花材がわざと交差してアレンジされる、緊張感のあるデザインです。こちらは恵子さんの作品です。
3) Cross-Overlapping Design - Each stem will be crossing over other stems within this design - this creates more visual tension here. Keiko has created this design.
4/1)モダン=コサージュ(1週のみ) ー もう少し手軽にコサージュを楽しみたい方にお勧めです!翌週のポージーブーケとセットの内容です。こちらは恵子さんのお創りになったコサージュです。
4/1) Modern Corsage (1 week only) - Do yo think making a corsage would be too time-consuming? This might be an alternative for you. This class will be loosely set together with the following agenda. The design below is created by Keiko.
4/1) Modern Corsage (1 week only) - Do yo think making a corsage would be too time-consuming? This might be an alternative for you. This class will be loosely set together with the following agenda. The design below is created by Keiko.
4/2) - Posy Bouquet - This is a new agenda from this term. The design can be used on various occasions; of course, including weddings and gifts!
On Basic Class, the agenda is Round, Front
Facing, Hand-Tied and Vase arrangement. Let's create
some beautiful designs with your own flowers.
you are interested in Flowers/creating your own Flower Arrangements,
please come along to the class to see what is going on.It really does
not matter if you have any experience or not at all!
Looking forward to seeing you in the class!