They are NOT artificial flowers! Although the more you look, the more they look artificial...
On the chaotic flower market floor, they were sitting quietly.
こちらはナターシャさんのギフトアレンジメントです。丁寧に麦を編まれてアレンジのボディーを創られています。そこに添えられた花々は、まるで包み紙からこぼれ出てきた秋の木の実達のようですね。見る人の心を和ませてくれる、そんなアレンジだと思いませんか?This is Natascha’s gift design. Its body is a fruit of patience and effort: binding each wheat one by one! Just like full of Autumnal nuts and berries, bursting out of wrapping bag, the arrangement is filled with joy and happiness. There is a lucky person who has received this beautiful arrangement in London!