Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルからvol.3

This is Yoko's Round Arrangement.

A beautifully decorated corner in the church.

Atsuko created this 3-in-1 design for the base. It is titled 'Free'.

こちらは、ユミさんによるファンシェイプのアレンジ。作品のタイトルは'Birth'。This is Yumi's Fan shape design, called 'Birth'.

こちらはナターシャさんによるラウンドアレンジメントです。Natascha has designed this Round Arrangement.

次は岸子さんによるウェディングブーケ2作品です。クラシックなラウンドポージーとシャワー型のアームブーケ。両方ともナチュラルステムで束ねられています。作品名は‘Happy Happy Wedding' です。
Kishiko made 2 Wedding Bouquets: the first one is a Round Bouquet, and the next one is a Shower-shaped Armed bouquet. Both were tied in natural stems, and titled 'Happy Happy Wedding'.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルからvol.2

こちらは、佳奈子さんがしつらえられたテーブルセッティングです。カントリーサイドをイメージした作品のタイトルは、'Tea in the country".
This table setting is displayed by Kanako. As you can see here, the theme is countryside, and its title is : 'Tea in the country'.

This is Keiko's Limited arrangement, titled 'Silence'.

こちらは、ナターシャさんのデザインで花瓶のフレームワークです。タイトルは、'From Me to You’
This is Natascha's Frame arrangement in a vase. It is titled as 'From Me to You'.

こちらのデザインは、'For mother' というタイトルで江美さんの作品。

This design, titled 'For mother', is designed by Emi.

教会の中でまず眼に入るのが、真奈美さんによる対の作品。'Hampstead Road' です。
You would have been greeted by this pair of entrance designs, created by Manami: 'Hampstead Road'.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルからvol.1

先日無事終了したフラワーフェスティバル。そのときの写真をアップしていきます!We have so many lovely designs at Hampstead Flower Festival. This is just a biginning...

こちらは、教会の入り口を飾っていただいた恵子さん作品で、'Sunshine''という題名です。This is Keiko's work at the entrance of the church. Title: 'Sunshine'

こちらは、お料理の先生でもあるアツコさんが展示されたテーブルセッティングです。This is a fine display of table setting, created by Atsuko. Atsuko also runs a popular cookery classes.

教会の入り口ドアにもちょっとだけ飾り付けを。。。ウェディングブーケと応用なんですよ。This is a simple decoration on the entrance door. a kind of a wedding bouquet.

So, shall we go in...?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Theme for this week - 今週のテーマ



I cannot blame my camera, nor lighting... simply it is down to who took this picture. I will try harder next time.

Anyway, Cross/Overlapping is the theme for this week. As you can see, each material is intentionally diagonal, and there is no single growth point as such. It is to re-create a picture of gentle landscape within a design, so perhaps, you can look for combination of harmonious materials rather than unique individual stems.
Looking forward to seeing you at the class!

Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルも無事閉幕!!




So many people came through the door at Flower Festival in Hampstead! I think all the passion from my colleagues had kept the weather so fine over the weekend, too!

Without you, this could not have happened - you who made beautiful arrangement with your heart, you who could not design this time because of various reasons, you who came to see the event and you who could not come... Once again, thank you.

I just want to work with you again next year!

Friday, October 08, 2010

Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルの開催!



We did it! All the colleagues had put so much emotion and effort into those beautiful arrangements. They are absolutely beautiful and looking forward to seeing you! It is a quiet place, but not this weekend: full of colour and energy. Please, do come over, and feel the flowers.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Vegetative Round ベジタティブアレンジ

There are different style in Round Arangements - Traditonal style is not the only one! So, here we are, they are Vegetative style created at Hampstead Class.
こちらは恵さんの作品です。燃えるようなオレンジのダリアとそこに寄り添う紫のカラー.対照的な色と質感が印象的ですね。This is Megumi's design. Hot dahlias and cool Zantedeschia - they create such a strong visual impact!

This is also from Megumi.Such a contrast from her previous work: so cool and so soft. A good choice of foliage, too.

This is created by Michiko. A beautiful shape design! Combination of the material and their balance are superb.

This one is also from Michiko. Look at the colour of Roses and Hydrangeas!