Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hand-Tied bouquet - ハンドタイド=ブーケ

A hand-tied bouquet with the flowers you choose: it really is a bouquet designed by you. They are personal and beautiful.

This is Yumi's bouquet. Its profile is nicely created; the design really smiles at you!

Junko has created this well balanced design.

This is Keiko's bouquet. It is very feminine design, yet, I like the fact that it is not too sweet!

This bouquet is from Miki. It is packed with the bright light of Spring sunshine! What a happy hand-tied!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fan Shape-扇型(ファン=シェイプ)アレンジ

Originally, it is rather heavy classic shape, but in the class, our approach to this design is a little bit more modern....

This is Saiko's design for Flower Festival 2010. It evokes a lovely sense of welcoming Autumn; very eye catching and beautiful. During the Flower Festival, it really attracted so many people's attention in front of the alter.

Keiko has created this dreamy, soft frosty design. Its colour scheme matches visual texture very well.

桂子さんの作品は、大人っぽい落ち着いた色合わせです。作品自体はシンプルな構成ですが,それぞれの花材が効果的に使われていますね。This arrangement is from Keiko, who combines chic colours. The design looks simple, yet, Keiko maximises the beauty of each material here.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Limited Arrangement

This is Saiko's work for a concert reception. Its happy colour scheme suited the occasion well.

ユキコさんは、春らしい伸びやかな景色を構成されました。Yukiko has created this dreamy spring landscape. You can almost feel warm spring breeze!

This is Kuniko's arrangement. There is something pure and independent about flowers in this work, I think.

Mie's work is a very simple one, hence, the beauty of stems of roses are so clear here.

Keiko has arranged White Ranunculus as if they were talking to you: beautiful natural line there.

Kanako' work here. The design maximises the charm of Tulipa!

Hiromi has created this thoroughly planned design: clean and elegant.

Junko has paid good attention to each material and its line. The whole design is full of interesting line!