Monday, November 01, 2010
Christmas Workshop - クリスマスワークショップのご案内
場所:ハムステッド クライストチャーチ教会
教室へのお申し込み、 御希望の方は今すぐご連絡ください!
London is becoming a feast of Christmas decoration. New Covent Garden Market is filled with beautiful decorations and flowers, too.
So, it is OUR turn to create this festive atmosphere: Christmas Wreath and Candle Arrangement Special Workshops! Have you been thinking of making your own decorations, but did not have chance to do it? Now, it is the time! You can create your own style and colour scheme. Of course, you will be able to make another one after the workshop for your friends and family, perhaps as a gift?
Advent Candle Arrangement Workshop
Date: 26th Dec(Fri), 27th(Sat) From 10:30 a.m.
Fee:£65 per person(includes all the material)
Christmas Wreath Workshops(It is not only decoration, but to create the entire wreath itself)
Date:2nd Dec(Thur), 3rd Dec.(Fri)and 4th Dec(Sat) From 10:30 a.m.
Fee:£65 per person(includes material)
Candle Arrangement Workshops
Date:9th Dec(Thur), 10th Dec(Fri) and 11th Dec.(Sat)From 10:30 a.m.
Fee:£60 per person(includes material)
Christmas Garland Workshop
Date: 16th Dec(Thur) From 10:30 a.m.
Fee : £60 per person(includes material)
Christmas Table Flowers (Contemporary style)
Date:20th Dec.(Mon)From 10:30 a.m.
Fee:£60 per person(includes material)
Location:The Vestry, Hampstead Christ Church
The space is limited to only 6 people on each sessionFirst come, first served!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルからvol.3
This is Yoko's Round Arrangement.
A beautifully decorated corner in the church.
Atsuko created this 3-in-1 design for the base. It is titled 'Free'.
こちらは、ユミさんによるファンシェイプのアレンジ。作品のタイトルは'Birth'。This is Yumi's Fan shape design, called 'Birth'.
こちらはナターシャさんによるラウンドアレンジメントです。Natascha has designed this Round Arrangement.
次は岸子さんによるウェディングブーケ2作品です。クラシックなラウンドポージーとシャワー型のアームブーケ。両方ともナチュラルステムで束ねられています。作品名は‘Happy Happy Wedding' です。
This is Yoko's Round Arrangement.
A beautifully decorated corner in the church.
Atsuko created this 3-in-1 design for the base. It is titled 'Free'.
こちらは、ユミさんによるファンシェイプのアレンジ。作品のタイトルは'Birth'。This is Yumi's Fan shape design, called 'Birth'.
こちらはナターシャさんによるラウンドアレンジメントです。Natascha has designed this Round Arrangement.
次は岸子さんによるウェディングブーケ2作品です。クラシックなラウンドポージーとシャワー型のアームブーケ。両方ともナチュラルステムで束ねられています。作品名は‘Happy Happy Wedding' です。
Kishiko made 2 Wedding Bouquets: the first one is a Round Bouquet, and the next one is a Shower-shaped Armed bouquet. Both were tied in natural stems, and titled 'Happy Happy Wedding'.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルからvol.2
こちらは、佳奈子さんがしつらえられたテーブルセッティングです。カントリーサイドをイメージした作品のタイトルは、'Tea in the country".
This table setting is displayed by Kanako. As you can see here, the theme is countryside, and its title is : 'Tea in the country'.
こちらは、ナターシャさんのデザインで花瓶のフレームワークです。タイトルは、'From Me to You’
This is Natascha's Frame arrangement in a vase. It is titled as 'From Me to You'.
This is Natascha's Frame arrangement in a vase. It is titled as 'From Me to You'.
こちらのデザインは、'For mother' というタイトルで江美さんの作品。
教会の中でまず眼に入るのが、真奈美さんによる対の作品。'Hampstead Road' です。
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルからvol.1
先日無事終了したフラワーフェスティバル。そのときの写真をアップしていきます!We have so many lovely designs at Hampstead Flower Festival. This is just a biginning...
こちらは、教会の入り口を飾っていただいた恵子さん作品で、'Sunshine''という題名です。This is Keiko's work at the entrance of the church. Title: 'Sunshine'
こちらは、教会の入り口を飾っていただいた恵子さん作品で、'Sunshine''という題名です。This is Keiko's work at the entrance of the church. Title: 'Sunshine'
こちらは、お料理の先生でもあるアツコさんが展示されたテーブルセッティングです。This is a fine display of table setting, created by Atsuko. Atsuko also runs a popular cookery classes.
教会の入り口ドアにもちょっとだけ飾り付けを。。。ウェディングブーケと応用なんですよ。This is a simple decoration on the entrance door. a kind of a wedding bouquet.
So, shall we go in...?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Theme for this week - 今週のテーマ
I cannot blame my camera, nor lighting... simply it is down to who took this picture. I will try harder next time.
Anyway, Cross/Overlapping is the theme for this week. As you can see, each material is intentionally diagonal, and there is no single growth point as such. It is to re-create a picture of gentle landscape within a design, so perhaps, you can look for combination of harmonious materials rather than unique individual stems.
Looking forward to seeing you at the class!
I cannot blame my camera, nor lighting... simply it is down to who took this picture. I will try harder next time.
Anyway, Cross/Overlapping is the theme for this week. As you can see, each material is intentionally diagonal, and there is no single growth point as such. It is to re-create a picture of gentle landscape within a design, so perhaps, you can look for combination of harmonious materials rather than unique individual stems.
Looking forward to seeing you at the class!
Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルも無事閉幕!!
So many people came through the door at Flower Festival in Hampstead! I think all the passion from my colleagues had kept the weather so fine over the weekend, too!
Without you, this could not have happened - you who made beautiful arrangement with your heart, you who could not design this time because of various reasons, you who came to see the event and you who could not come... Once again, thank you.
I just want to work with you again next year!
Friday, October 08, 2010
Hampstead Flower Festival - フラワーフェスティバルの開催!
We did it! All the colleagues had put so much emotion and effort into those beautiful arrangements. They are absolutely beautiful and looking forward to seeing you! It is a quiet place, but not this weekend: full of colour and energy. Please, do come over, and feel the flowers.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Vegetative Round ベジタティブアレンジ
There are different style in Round Arangements - Traditonal style is not the only one! So, here we are, they are Vegetative style created at Hampstead Class.
こちらは恵さんの作品です。燃えるようなオレンジのダリアとそこに寄り添う紫のカラー.対照的な色と質感が印象的ですね。This is Megumi's design. Hot dahlias and cool Zantedeschia - they create such a strong visual impact!
This is also from Megumi.Such a contrast from her previous work: so cool and so soft. A good choice of foliage, too.
This is created by Michiko. A beautiful shape design! Combination of the material and their balance are superb.
This one is also from Michiko. Look at the colour of Roses and Hydrangeas!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Flower Festival at Hampstead Christ Church - ハムステッドの花の展示会に是非おいでください!
日時:10月9日(土曜日)10日(日曜日)10:00 〜 17:00
場所:クライストチャーチ ハムステッド教会
Christ Chrch Hampstead
Hampstead Square, NW3 1AB
We have been seeing so many beautifully designed flower arrangements week after week at the class. So much thoughts and emotions are poured into each design, people on the street quite often start asking about these arrangements on their way home. I always wished that these designed to be enjoyed by many more people... and, now, we are delighted to announce the Flower Festival!
Dates : Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th October
Opening : 10:00 - 17:00
Location : Christ Chrch Hampstead, Hampstead Square, NW3 1AB
(Sunday 10th October - Harvest Thanksgiving service from 11:00. Christ Church School Choir sings)
Please come along, and say hello to us!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Pear from a garden - 庭に出来た梨
A pear tree has arrived at my friends garden. I had thought the tree would not bear any fruit for many more years o come... But, I was wrong. A big pear on the tree.
A beautiful colour.
Well, he does not really want to open it, yet. Reason why? He is scared of finding a worm inside, eating its flesh...
Does it happen??
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Autumn has come. - 秋はこんなところにも。
これ、Prunus laurocerasusの葉っぱです。 先日アレンジに使ったときには、深い緑いろだったのに...1週間経って、見事な秋色に変身していました。うんー、自然の不思議を手の中で感じました。
This is a leaf of Prunus laurocerasus: It was such a deep green leaf when I arranged it... Now, after a week, Autumn has arrived on it! What a miracle in your hand...!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Ful of HOP! - 段ボール箱一杯のホップ!
Here it is, HOPs! I carried a box full of hops from the market. Brian kept saying "Clean the leaves, yes, remove them!": well, I did it. It took me a while, but it was worth doing it.
I am already looking forward to seeing it in the flower festival!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
TUlip? TUlip! - チューリップ?チューリップ!
I know, they are Tulipas. I saw those at the flower market. Is it right to say that it is too EARLY or too LATE??
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bow Shape Design - ボウ=シェイプ(弓型)アレンジメント
This is Yoko's design. Full of spring flowers with burst of happiness!
丁寧なラインの構成でアレンジを作られているのは、夜の教室の由美さんです。Yumi from Evening classes has paid good attention to each line in this well created design.
邦子さんの作品は、柔らかな弓型が印象的です。Kuniko's arrangement has a lovely elegant arching shape: sitting nicely in the room!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Round Arrangement - ラウンドアレンジメント
These two designs are both created by Yuri. The one with purple Zantedeschia has a real grown-up feel. The second design, on the contrary, has bursting summer energy.
This is Kishiko's arrangement. The clour of Roses is enhanced really well by the delicious combination of Bupleurum and Alium.
This is Emiko's design. Its soft gentle colour scheme gives restful feeling to any viewer.
This is Yumi's design. It is just like a happy spring flower field. Don't you feel HAPPY?
Miho uses a several kinds of foliage here. Its use of line and texture bring artistic quality to the design.
Emiko created this design with white flowers: but not entirely white. Limonium is off-white colour, which gives the design an extra depth.
This is Sachiko's design. Subtle use of Gypsophilia enhances its beauty here.
Rumiko kept a good balance between flowers and foliages here: you just keep admiring its beauty!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
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Sunday, April 04, 2010
Happy Easter!
1)エレガントなラインを用いて作り出す ホガース(Sシェイプ)デザインに始まり、
Happy Easter! The Weekly Class resumes on 8th April 2010!
This term consists of 5 design.
On Advance Class, the menu is S-shape design, Bow-shape design, Shower Hand-Tied, Frame Hand-Tied and Long and Low Table Design. It is a term which is packed with classic designs. If you have a love for those classical shapes, this term is for you.
On Basic Class, the menu is Round, Front Facing, Hand-Tied, Vase arrangement and Crescent design. Let's create some beautiful designs with your own flowers.
I have been hearing some concerns over how to source foliage, as some shops are not willing to sell them... So, now, you can buy some foliage at Hampstead class for £3. This is entirely optional. I would like to provide foliage with Bloomsbury class, too, however, at the moment, it is not possible due to its storage situation.
So looking forward to seeing you in the class in 2010, with abundance of Spring Flowers!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hand-Tied bouquet - ハンドタイド=ブーケ
A hand-tied bouquet with the flowers you choose: it really is a bouquet designed by you. They are personal and beautiful.
This is Yumi's bouquet. Its profile is nicely created; the design really smiles at you!
Junko has created this well balanced design.
This is Keiko's bouquet. It is very feminine design, yet, I like the fact that it is not too sweet!
This bouquet is from Miki. It is packed with the bright light of Spring sunshine! What a happy hand-tied!
A hand-tied bouquet with the flowers you choose: it really is a bouquet designed by you. They are personal and beautiful.
This is Yumi's bouquet. Its profile is nicely created; the design really smiles at you!
Junko has created this well balanced design.
This is Keiko's bouquet. It is very feminine design, yet, I like the fact that it is not too sweet!
This bouquet is from Miki. It is packed with the bright light of Spring sunshine! What a happy hand-tied!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Fan Shape-扇型(ファン=シェイプ)アレンジ
Originally, it is rather heavy classic shape, but in the class, our approach to this design is a little bit more modern....
This is Saiko's design for Flower Festival 2010. It evokes a lovely sense of welcoming Autumn; very eye catching and beautiful. During the Flower Festival, it really attracted so many people's attention in front of the alter.
Keiko has created this dreamy, soft frosty design. Its colour scheme matches visual texture very well.
桂子さんの作品は、大人っぽい落ち着いた色合わせです。作品自体はシンプルな構成ですが,それぞれの花材が効果的に使われていますね。This arrangement is from Keiko, who combines chic colours. The design looks simple, yet, Keiko maximises the beauty of each material here.
Originally, it is rather heavy classic shape, but in the class, our approach to this design is a little bit more modern....
This is Saiko's design for Flower Festival 2010. It evokes a lovely sense of welcoming Autumn; very eye catching and beautiful. During the Flower Festival, it really attracted so many people's attention in front of the alter.
Keiko has created this dreamy, soft frosty design. Its colour scheme matches visual texture very well.
桂子さんの作品は、大人っぽい落ち着いた色合わせです。作品自体はシンプルな構成ですが,それぞれの花材が効果的に使われていますね。This arrangement is from Keiko, who combines chic colours. The design looks simple, yet, Keiko maximises the beauty of each material here.
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