Tuesday, November 18, 2008

自分だけのクリスマスリース・キャンドルアレンジ-Christmas Wreath/Candle Arrangement Workshops





日時:12月11日(木曜日)12日(金曜日)13日(土曜日)午前10時から 教室代:60ポンド(花材・その他の材料含む)



場所:ハムステッド クライストチャーチ教会
www. hampsteadchristchurch.co.uk


London is becoming a feast of Christmas decoration. New Covent Garden Market is filled with beautiful decorations and flowers, too.

So, it is OUR turn to create this festive atmosphere: Christmas Wreath and Candle Arrangement Special Workshops! Have you been thinking of making your own decorations, but did not have chance to do it? Now, it is the time! You can create your own style and colour scheme. Of course, you will be able to make another one after the workshop for your friends and family, perhaps as a gift?

Christmas Wreath WorkshopsIt is not only decoration, but to create the entire wreath itself
Date:29th Nov.(Sat)5th Dec.(Fri)6th Dec(Sat)From 10:00 a.m.
Fee:£65 per person(includes material)

Candle Arrangement Workshops

Date:11th Dec.(Thu)12th Dec.(Fri)13th Dec(Sat)From 10:00 a.m.
Fee:£60 per person(includes material)

Christmas Table Flowers (Contemporary style)

Date:18th Nov.(Thu)20th Dec.(Sat)From 10:00 a.m.
Fee:£60 per person(includes material)

Location:The Vestry, Hampstead Christ Church
www. hampsteadchristchurch.co.uk

The space is limited to only 6 people on each sessionFirst come, first served!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Flower Festival at Hampstead - ハムステッドでのフラワーフェスティバル


日時:11月8日(土曜日)9日(日曜日)10:00 〜 17:00
場所:クライストチャーチ ハムステッド教会
Christ Chrch Hampstead
Hampstead Square, NW3 1AB


We have been seeing so many beautifully designed flower arrangements week after week at the class. So much thoughts and emotions are poured into each design, people on the street quite often start asking about these arrangements on their way home. I always wished that these designed to be enjoyed by many more people... and, now, we are delighted to announce the Flower Festival!

Dates : Saturday November 8th & Sunday 9th
Opening : 10:00 - 17:00
Location : Christ Chrch Hampstead
Hampstead Square, NW3 1AB

(Sunday November 9th - Service of Remembrance from 11:00 The choir will sing Dyrufle's REQUIEM)

Please come along, and say hello!