ハムステッドの教室から、智美さんの作品をご紹介します。チューリップを使ってフレッシュな作品に仕上がっています。This is Tomomi's arrangement from Hampstead class. With some beautiful Tulipas, the design looks so fresh.
こちらは朋子さんの作品です。カラーの動きがあやしく、且つクラシックな印象も持っています。This design is from Tomoko. The use of Zantedeschia adds extra interest to this design, yet it still maintain classical style well.
この作品は恵子さんによるものです。暖かみのある色調が見る人の心を和ませます。This is from Keiko. The design has a warm colour scheme, which will melt your soul.
聡子さんの作品は、少しクールな印象。グルーピングによって、作品が展開されています。Satoko's design has rather cool look. This arrangement is created with a grouping style.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The scent of Roses - 庭便り
もうすぐバラの季節も終了です。手前のオレンジのバラはJude The Obscure。グアヴァの匂いがします。もう一方の赤バラはWilliam Shakespeare 2000。4年目にしてやっと咲いてくれた2種類のバラ。やっぱりバラの匂いは好いもんですね。
It is nearly the end of the Rose season this year. The pale orange one is called Jude The Obscure. This one has a fragrance of Guava. The red one is called William Shakespeare 2000. These two varieties have been sitting in the garden without blooming properly for the last 4 years. Well, the scent was worth waiting for after all!
It is nearly the end of the Rose season this year. The pale orange one is called Jude The Obscure. This one has a fragrance of Guava. The red one is called William Shakespeare 2000. These two varieties have been sitting in the garden without blooming properly for the last 4 years. Well, the scent was worth waiting for after all!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Place Apart - アイルランドから
5月にアイルランドで花のチャリティーイベント'A Place Apart'が開かれました。会場はBuncranaというとても美しい場所にあるLoreto House。窓から見える景色はちょっと懐かしいものがありました。
I was privileged to be invited over to a charity event called 'A Place Apart' in Ireland. The space is Loreto House in a beautiful area called Buncrana.
One of the rooms on the first floor was my room this year. The stay really made me feel like coming back again, perhaps a little bit longer. Hello, Buncrana! Thank you very much for your warm heart, and looking forward to seeing you soon.
イベントのホームページはこちらからどうぞ。A Place Apart International Flower Festival
当日カメラを担当された方のブログInishindieにも紹介されています。2008年5月2日をご覧ください。There is a beautiful blog called Inishindie, which has some more pictures from this event. Check on 2nd May 2008!
I was privileged to be invited over to a charity event called 'A Place Apart' in Ireland. The space is Loreto House in a beautiful area called Buncrana.
One of the rooms on the first floor was my room this year. The stay really made me feel like coming back again, perhaps a little bit longer. Hello, Buncrana! Thank you very much for your warm heart, and looking forward to seeing you soon.
イベントのホームページはこちらからどうぞ。A Place Apart International Flower Festival
当日カメラを担当された方のブログInishindieにも紹介されています。2008年5月2日をご覧ください。There is a beautiful blog called Inishindie, which has some more pictures from this event. Check on 2nd May 2008!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Frame Hand-Tied - フレームで花束を束ねて
こちらはハムステッドの教室から、恵子さんの作品です。フレームを効果的に使い、大きな花束へと仕上げられました。From Hampstead class, this is Keiko's hand-tied design. The frame is used very effectively in this design to maximise the visual value.
こちらは朋子さんの作品です。フレームを使いフロントフェーシングの花束です。それぞれの花材がよく活かされたデザインです。Tomoko has created this front-facing design with a frame. Each material is placed in a suitable position with good space between each other.
恵さんの作品は、とてもナチュラルな仕上がりです。まるで春の花壇の一部を切り取ったかのように束ねられた花束です。This very natural looking hand-tied is from Megumi. It is just like a piece of spring meadow.
こちらは朋子さんの作品です。フレームを使いフロントフェーシングの花束です。それぞれの花材がよく活かされたデザインです。Tomoko has created this front-facing design with a frame. Each material is placed in a suitable position with good space between each other.
恵さんの作品は、とてもナチュラルな仕上がりです。まるで春の花壇の一部を切り取ったかのように束ねられた花束です。This very natural looking hand-tied is from Megumi. It is just like a piece of spring meadow.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Front Facing Arrangements - 伝統的なアレンジを作って
こちらは、ハムステッド教室から知子さんの作品です。ガーベラの持つ表情が素敵ですね。This is Tomoko's work from Hampstead. Each Gerbera looks as if it is talking to you!
こちらは彩子さんの作品です。春の息吹が伝わってきませんか?Saiko has created this natural-look arrangement. Can you feel Spring breeze from this arrangement?
美穂さんの作品は、カラーとダリアによる大胆な色合わせが見る人の目を引きつけます。Miho has mixed Zantedeschia and Dahlia here. Very bold, yet very attractive combination.
こちらは小野さんの作品です。かなり大きな作品になりましたが、柔らかく、軽やかに仕上げられていますね。Ono has created this large design, however, the overall impression is so light and so airy!
こちらは恵子さんの作品です。ガーベラとアネモネが、作品のフォーカルラインをしっかり支えています。This is Keiko's work. Gerberas and Anemones are the main materials which support its forcal line well.
ウェディング会場から飛び出て来たような佳奈子さんの作品。透明感のある作品になっていますね。Kanako's design looks as if it just come out of a wedding ceremony. It is so fresh and sparkling.
こちらは彩子さんの作品です。春の息吹が伝わってきませんか?Saiko has created this natural-look arrangement. Can you feel Spring breeze from this arrangement?
美穂さんの作品は、カラーとダリアによる大胆な色合わせが見る人の目を引きつけます。Miho has mixed Zantedeschia and Dahlia here. Very bold, yet very attractive combination.
こちらは小野さんの作品です。かなり大きな作品になりましたが、柔らかく、軽やかに仕上げられていますね。Ono has created this large design, however, the overall impression is so light and so airy!
こちらは恵子さんの作品です。ガーベラとアネモネが、作品のフォーカルラインをしっかり支えています。This is Keiko's work. Gerberas and Anemones are the main materials which support its forcal line well.
ウェディング会場から飛び出て来たような佳奈子さんの作品。透明感のある作品になっていますね。Kanako's design looks as if it just come out of a wedding ceremony. It is so fresh and sparkling.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Crescent Arrangement - クレッセント・アレンジを作って作品は
From Bloomsbury class, this is Junko's work. The arrangement has a nice flowing shape big enough to hold those big orange Roses.
ハムステッドの教室からは、知子さんの作品です。多様な花材を用いて、テクスチャーの違いを印象づけていますね。This is Tomoko's arrangement from Hampstead class. Tomoko has mixed a variety of flower material so that the work has greater interest in texture.
Kanako has created this neat arrangement with spring materials. These twigs provide the arrangement with a sense of spring growth.
This rather a big arrangement is created by Manami. Its overall shape is carefully constructed with Leucadendron.
From Bloomsbury class, this is Junko's work. The arrangement has a nice flowing shape big enough to hold those big orange Roses.
ハムステッドの教室からは、知子さんの作品です。多様な花材を用いて、テクスチャーの違いを印象づけていますね。This is Tomoko's arrangement from Hampstead class. Tomoko has mixed a variety of flower material so that the work has greater interest in texture.
Kanako has created this neat arrangement with spring materials. These twigs provide the arrangement with a sense of spring growth.
This rather a big arrangement is created by Manami. Its overall shape is carefully constructed with Leucadendron.
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