Friday, September 21, 2007

Front Facing Arrangements - 伝統的なアレンジを作って

三方見のアレンジメントは、花材が少なくても立派に魅せる事が出来るデザインの1つではないでしょうか? また,お家に飾る時も、何かと勝手がいいデザインですよね。
Front Facing Arrangement: it is a useful design when you have limited number of material to make an arrangement, as you can still make the design fairly big. Also, the overall shape is suitable for your house!

This is Tomoko's design from Hampstead class. The Gerberas in this design look as if they were talking to each other.

Miho's design has very summery feel to it. White is the key colour here, and you can almost feel nice breeze here. These Dahlias are big, but their stems were really thick, and it was a difficult material to work with for Miho!

This is Keiko's design. With vivid Corn flowers (Centaurea cyanus), her very soft and feminine design is spiced up really well.

Mie used some interesting colour Zantedeschias in her design. She also paid good attention to how to maximise limited number of Spray Chrysanthemum.

Friday, September 07, 2007

From the previous Workshop - ワークショップからの作品,

I would like to share the beauty of the Wedding Bouquets made during the Workshop with you. Softly scented Lavandula angustifolia and fresh Rosmarinus officinalis are the ingredients of this frame work. Can you see this gorgeous small flowers in the frame? It is a rooted Phalaenopsis orchid.

This is from Akiko. It has such a transparent quality. The clear London light is traveling through her bouquet, and showing it beauty.

This work is from Chiharu. There is a strong sense of affirmation in this design. It is Chiharu's ability to translate the power of material into a visible form.