Monday, November 12, 2007

Christmas Special Workshops - クリスマス特別教室開催のご案内



手作りクリスマスリース  11月30日(金)、12月7日(金)、8日(土)
キャンドルアレンジメント 12月14日(金)、15日(土)
テーブルアレンジメント  12月20日(木)、22日(土)




We are back again! Special Christmas Workshops for 2007 are now confirmed and now bookings are taken, but the seats are limited. Early reservation is recommended to avoid disappointment.

You do not need to worry if you have no any previous experience of making flower arrangement. We will make a Christmas wreath from a scratch, a candle arrangement with fresh material and a table arrangement for Christmas dinner table.

Hand-made Christmas Wreath - 30th November, 7th or 8th December (£65 per person)
Candle Arrangement - 14th or 15th December (£55 per person)
Table Arrangement - 20th or 22nd December (£60 per person)
The fee includes all the material for the work.

The class starts from 10:00 at Christchurch Hampstead.
The class fee is £65 per person for Wreath class, £55 per person for Candle Arrangement, and £60 per person for Table Arrangement. The fee includes all the material for the workshop.

The seats are limited, so please book early to avoid any disappointment.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Front Facing Hand-Tied - 三方見の花束

Most of the Hand-Tied arrangements you would come across in London are domed posy shape. I think front-facing style has been long underrated.

From Bloomsbury class, here is Yoko's work. Pastel colour Callistephus chinensis and Eustoma are mixed with mint-coloured Dianthus standaard so that it delivers coolness and floating feeling.

This is Kuniko's work. Applying any pink to your arrangement tends to make it rather unexpectedly too sweet, however, with its right colour scheme, it has rather dark and almost smoky taste here.

Megumi's work is full of vitality and energy from the material. It is packed with bursting life of Summer!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Round Arrangement - 最初の一歩

Most people who have joined the Class have not had any experience of making flower arrangement before. So, it is not surprising that you feel quite nervous when you cut a flower stem for the first time. Although it might have been their first time, look! At the end of the class, they have made these lovely arrangements.

From Hampstead Class, this is Mie's design. The use of Gypsophilia was just right, so that the design kept its freshness.

This is Tomoko's design. Scarlet is the obvious colour choice here, but Tomoko has created good visual interest through different texture.

This work is made by Keiko. This beautiful dome shape was the result of her careful arrangement of various spray Chrysanthemum.

This is Mako's design. Solidago is a rather tricky material to use in an arrangement, however, Mako has used this material to fill the gap well, and to foam its shape even better.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Europa Cup 2007 - ヨーロッパ・カップ 2007

開催されたのは、Sloveniaにある Velenjeという人口3万人ほどの街。電車の駅もこんな感じで、なんだか自分の田舎を思い出させてくれました。(この駅の駅長さんには、実は大変に御世話になったのです。)
It was a town called Velenje in Slovenia. Its population is about 30.000, and is surrounded by beautiful mountain and kind people. This is Velenje station, which reminded me of my local station in Japan. (Asa matter of fact, I was saved by this station and a gentleman who was in charge of this station on that day. Thank you very very much for your kindness and generousity! I should have asked his name...)

会場は街にあるスポーツ施設,The Red Hall。 スロベニア語で書いてありますが,赤いカーネーションが今大会の目印です。
The Red Hall was the venue for Europa Cup 2007. ????? It was written in Slovenian, but this big red Carnation is the sign forthis year's event!

初日の最初の課題は、"(長靴下のピッピ)Pippi's Feast"。10:00の開場とともに、ヨーロッパ20カ国からやって来た各国の代表がもモクモクと作業を始められました。
The first task was 'Pippi's Feast'. The doorwas open at 10:00, and all the florists from 20 European countries started working towards their designs.

I had been really really looking forward to this Europa Cup 2007. It was full of surprise, some issues I faced, new and inspiring ideas and genuine smile on people's faces. I am hoping that we can share some moments from this even here.

Crescent Arrangement - クレッセント・アレンジを作って

The last step of Basic Classes is Crescent Arrangememnt. Everyone paid good attention to their own material and its shape in order to create a beautiful crescent shape.

This design is from Tomomi in Hampstead Class. Lemon-Sorbet-coloured roses bring some lightness to this smoky colour themed design.

Tomoko has made this very 'pink' design. The small delicate flowers look as if they were dancing like some snow flakes o this design.

This is from Keiko. The design has a good visual balance. Don't you find find happiness in this design? I do!

Masayo's crescent design has a beautiful 'spine'. It is s simple design, but it really is an eye catcher.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Front Facing Arrangements - 伝統的なアレンジを作って

三方見のアレンジメントは、花材が少なくても立派に魅せる事が出来るデザインの1つではないでしょうか? また,お家に飾る時も、何かと勝手がいいデザインですよね。
Front Facing Arrangement: it is a useful design when you have limited number of material to make an arrangement, as you can still make the design fairly big. Also, the overall shape is suitable for your house!

This is Tomoko's design from Hampstead class. The Gerberas in this design look as if they were talking to each other.

Miho's design has very summery feel to it. White is the key colour here, and you can almost feel nice breeze here. These Dahlias are big, but their stems were really thick, and it was a difficult material to work with for Miho!

This is Keiko's design. With vivid Corn flowers (Centaurea cyanus), her very soft and feminine design is spiced up really well.

Mie used some interesting colour Zantedeschias in her design. She also paid good attention to how to maximise limited number of Spray Chrysanthemum.

Friday, September 07, 2007

From the previous Workshop - ワークショップからの作品,

I would like to share the beauty of the Wedding Bouquets made during the Workshop with you. Softly scented Lavandula angustifolia and fresh Rosmarinus officinalis are the ingredients of this frame work. Can you see this gorgeous small flowers in the frame? It is a rooted Phalaenopsis orchid.

This is from Akiko. It has such a transparent quality. The clear London light is traveling through her bouquet, and showing it beauty.

This work is from Chiharu. There is a strong sense of affirmation in this design. It is Chiharu's ability to translate the power of material into a visible form.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wedding Flowers- ウェディングブーケ


I had an opportunity to make a wedding bouquet the other day. The request was "a classic style bouquet with very gentle and sweet colour." I am so glad to hear that you liked it. Happy wedding, H! Have a lovely brand-new life.

Photography: Keiko Igami

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Trial Class - 体験クラスより

Here are the designs Satoko made the other day during her 3-days arrangement classes. This Round Arrangement has a base constructed with Lavender stems.

This Candle Arrangement has very summery feel to it. An ideal design for a garden party.

It is a well-balanced standing arrangement. You can see strong power of flowers through this design,just like burning flame.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Vegetative Round - 植生的なラウンドアレンジを作ってラベンダーを使って

You might think it is easy to make a round arrangement, but, in fact, you would be surprised how much attention requires to create a good balanced design. In our Advanced Class, we are making Vegetative Round Arrangements.

This is from Miho, who came to Hampstead class while she was in London on her holiday. Her design has a subtle colour Hydrangea with several different kinds of foliage. A very sweet arrangement.

This is Masayo's design. She chose those beautiful Carnations which she fellin love with at first sight. Very tender and quiet.

Satoko's design has a few additional interests. Please check how sweet a small bunch of Lavender on the design, and a gorgeous cerise Cordyline fruticosa leaf sitting in its focal area.

From Bloomsbury Class, this is Yoko's design. This clean and fresh colour scheme was an inspiration from a window container she saw and loved. It has a good balance, too.

Yukiko has made this romantic design. A wide range of material, which was well chosen and mixed were surrounded by scented Lavender.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Kew Garden - キュー・ガーデン

With some of my colleagues from the Flower Arrangement classes, we visited Kew Garden Open Evening. There were a field of wildflowers, a view of Syon Park over the Thames, many birds flying back to their sweet homes, and some roses glowing like a torch in the dusk. Although it was rather brief,of course, we had some nice picnic among them! Flowers after the sunset looked much quieter with the cool breeze, and they reminded me of how I used to walk back from the school through a vast rice field. Anyway, have you notice the difference in flower scents in the evening?
Thank you so much to all the colleagues who made it for such a beautiful time!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

From the July Workshop - ワークショップからの作品

The theme for Workshop in July was "without any use of water retaining foam." We all exchanged techniques and information on flowers, so, naturally, we had some good chat during the workshop, although everyone was so concentrating on their own designs! In fact, they never stopped developing their idea and designs.

This is from Yoshiko. The design has such a delicate quality within, yet it shows boldness and stability through the material she chose.

Yukiko's design is capturing the expression of materials 'being growing up' very well here. You can see them so alive!

Akiko made her arrangement without being restricted by the size of her own dish. The materials are swinging from side to side, so you can visualise the landscape beyond its outline.

This is Miho's work. With some small buds, she has created a very natural design here. It looks as if it was cut off from a beautiful summer garden.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Friday Workshop 27th July - 7月27日金曜日のワークショップ


日時:7月27日 金曜日

Hampstead Workshops is back on 27th July! The theme for this Work Shop is Summer Arrangement without any water retaining foam, ON YOUR OWN PLATE! We share the idea, but its shape is entirely up to you. It will be a natural style design, with a shape created with some needles. Are you interested? Why don't you come along to see what is going on here?
Time: 27th July from 10:00am
Location: Hampstead Christchurch
(Detail is on www.LivingSeasons)
Class fee: £55.00 (includes all the material)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Buddleja davidii - 植物のしたたかさを感じたのは。。。

いつも御世話になっているのが,テムズ川を南に渡ったところにあるVauxhall駅。市場へ向かう途中の、半分寝ぼけた目と頭を,はっと一瞬にして覚ましてくれたのがこの風景です。Buddleja davidiiは,この季節ロンドンのあちこちで見かける事が出来る花ですが,まさかこんなところでお目にかかれるとは、、、。足元もしっかりせず、根を張る場所も限られながら、一生懸命に、そして無心で咲いていました。なんだか、元気をもらった朝の一コマです。
Vauxhall tube station is on the south of Thames river in London. As you know, I do not have a car, I use tube to get to the flower market. This Vauxhall station is the one I travel to if I use tube. Normally, I am walking towards the market with my half sleeping eyes and brain. But the other day, I was pleasantly awaken by these flowers. Buddleja davidii is a quite common plant in London, especially this time of year, they are all over the place. Bu, I was not expecting to see them here... Not much space to grow, and limited amount of soil, these were just blooming, with no ego. What a blissful moment. They gave me so much energy and smile.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Shower Style Arrangement - シャワースタイルのアレンジを作って

Here are some Shower Style Arrangements from Advance Class. This style can be applied to various designs, but, perhaps, the most popular position to be displayed be on a top table at wedding parties?

From Bloomsbury Class, this is Ethaar's design. She successfully created a substantial size out of a one-third piece of water retaining foam, yet, still maintained good balance in its composition.

This is Satoko's design from Hampstead Class. It is a very elegant and clean design. It is easily transferred to any wedding occasion. Can't you visualise it??

Limited Edition from Living Seasons- 一日限定のリビングシーズンズ

ブルームスブリー教室で御世話になっている教会、St. George's Bloomsbury。こちらで今週の土曜日,7月14日に行なわれるサマーフェアに、リビング・シーズンズが一日限定でお店を出します。花好きの仲間が集まって、何か楽しいストールになりそうな予感が、、、。他にも様々なストールが出されるとの事。是非見に来てください。教会の詳しい情報は、リビング・シーズンズのホームページをご覧ください。

7月14日 土曜日11:00−15:00
フェア入場料 50ペンス(プログラムを含む)

St. George's Bloomsbury Church is the place where we have Bloomsbury Class on Thursday evenings. This Saturday, 14th July 2007, they are organising Summer Fair within their court yard, and Living Seasons is also a part of this fair! Some of the colleagues from our flower classes will be there to make some designs exclusively for you. There will be other stalls selling books, cards, candles and cakes...etc, etc. So, why not come along to see what is going on? You can check the detail of the church on

Summer Fair
Saturday 14th July 2007 11:00 - 15:00
Admission with programme: 50p

From a Wedding Workshop − ウェディング・ワークショップより

On our Spring Workshop, we created some Wedding Bouquets with twigs. Here are some gorgeous designs from this Workshop. There was no water retaining foam in these designs: they have been tied with natural stems!

Yoshiko's work is a Muff-style bouquet. How sophisticated! What a dazzling yet quiet texture!

This Crescent Bouquet is created by Yukiko. It has natural, yet very elegant style.

Tomoko has created this Shower style Bouquet, showing off the beauty of Zantedeschia. Nothing girlie here. This is for someone who knows own style.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Round Arrangements - ラウンドアレンジを作って

花の教室でも、この7月から新しいシーズンが始まりました。各シーズンの最初のベーシッククラスでは、ラウンドアレンジを取り上げています。July 2007: A new season has began at LivingSeasons flower Arranging Classes. Round arrangement is the first design to make at the first class on Basic Classes.

Keiko's design is full of Spring Sun! Acacia is bursting out like the sunshine.

Sanae has made this visually strong, yet delicate arrangement, which maintained nuance within.

This work is from Keiko. How natural this arrangement is! It is just like an air of wild meadow.

Miki has set her a new challenge: using Eryngium. And, as you can see, she successfully mix this within her design.

Satoko has been on Advanced Class for a while, and on her 'Your Own Choice' day, she chose this Round Arrangement. The result was a marvelous one. Beautiful colour and form. This trailing Ivy ('Hedera helix') added even more depth to this work.